Sporadic E:
87.7 1019 POR RDP Antena 1, Serra do Mendro (bej) 8201 ANTENA_1. Unattended 1770km
87.6 1042 E COPE, Córdoba/Lagar de la Cruz (AND-CO) E2CA __COPE__ 1736km
88.0 1056 POR Mega Hits, Sintra (lis) 8011 MEGA___S 1759km
88.1 1057 POR Radio Regional Sanjoanense, São João da Madeira (avo) 809F 1511km **
89.0 1102 POR Rádio 5, Póvoa de Varzim (prt) 805B RADIO_5_ 1467km
87.9 1103 F Radio Maritima, Istres/Colline Saint-Etienne (13) F436 1123km
87.7 1147 ALG Radio Chlef, Aïn N'sour (48) OM, as web 1913km
90.8 1148 ALG Radio Relizane, Aïn N'sour (48) Phone in, as web 1913km
87.8 1152 ALG Chaîne 1, Mecheria (45) OM, as web 2176km
87.6 1156 ALG Radio Laghouat, Aflou (3) Arabic chanting, as web 2120km
87.7 1300 E Hit FM, Jerez de la Frontera/San Cristóbal (AND-CA) E200 HIT_FM_ 1904km
87.9 1300 MRC SNRT Chaîne Inter, Rabat (SNRT) (rsz) 1002 SNRT-INT 2212km
89.1 1301 E Woman FM, New Andalucian network E201 WOMAN_FM
88.2 1303 E Sol Radio, Sevilla (AND-SE) E230 1819km **
89.0 1305 E Onda Guillena Radio, Guillena (AND-SE) E300 ONDA____ GUILLENA 1803km **
89.2 1305 E Europa FM, Sevilla (AND-SE) E2ED EUROPAFM 1819km
89.4 1306 E Los 40 Principales, San Fernando (AND-CA) E035 CUARENTA 1905km
89.6 1306 E Radio Betis, Sevilla (AND-SE) Vocal ID 1820km **
90.0 1307 E RNE Radio 5, Valencina del Concepción (AND-SE) E215 RNE_5-SE 1818km
88.0 1310 E RNE Radio 5, Punta Umbría (AND-H) E215 RNE_5-H_ 1861km
87.9 1314 E Canal Extremadura Radio, Mérida/Cerro de San Serván (EXT-BA) E30A Canal_EX 1670km
88.8 1315 E Cadena 100, La Guardia/Peña de San Cristóbal (AND-J) E2CE Vocal ID 1741km **
89.0 1316 E RNE Radio Nacional, Antequera (AND-MA) E211 RNE_1___ 1833km
89.1 1316 E Cadena 100, Badajoz/Cansa Burros (EXT-BA) E2CE 1683km
89.5 1320 E Canal Fiesta Radio, Almonaster la Real/Sierra de Aracena (AND-H) E331 C.Fiesta 1783km
89.5 1320 E Onda Cero, Cáceres/Sierra de Portanchito (EXT-CC) E2EE ONDACERO 1605km
90.4 1321 E Onda Cero, Mérida (EXT-BA) E2EE ONDACERO 1662km
92.7 1324 E Europa FM, Olivenza (EXT-BA) E2ED EUROPAFM 1705km **
89.6 1325 POR RFM, Faro/São Miguel-Goldra (agv) 8231 __RFM___ 1893km
93.4 1326 POR RDP Antena 2, Faro/São Miguel-Goldra (agv) 8202 1893km
87.6 1346 POR RDS, Seixal (set) 8042 ___RDS__ 1769km
88.2 1346 POR Ultra FM, Vila Franca de Xira (lis) 80E8 ULTRA_FM 1731km
89.0 1349 POR Rádio Comercial, Leiria/Maunça (lei) 8203 COMRCIAL 1649km
91.2 1350 POR Rádio Clube de Sintra, Sintra (lis) 803A 1759km
90.4 1354 POR Rádio Nostalgia, Lisboa/Monsanto (lis) 8059 NSTALGIA 1760km
89.5 1355 POR TSF Rádio Notícias, Lisboa/Monsanto (lis) 8343 _T_S_F__ 1760km
90.0 1355 POR Mega Hits, Coimbra (coi) 844E MEGAHITS 1586km **
90.2 1355 POR Rádio Renascença, Guarda/P.Vento (gua) 8221 ___RR___ 1516km
88.7 1357 POR RDP Antena 2, Serra de Montejunto (lis) 8202 ANTENA_2 1710km
89.2 1357 POR NFM, Amarante (prt) 844B (not 804B). As web 1466km **
87.8 1358 POR Rádio Montemuro, Cinfães (vrl) 849C MONTMURO 1482km
88.1 1358 POR Benedita FM, Alcobaça (lei) 80ED BENEDITA 1665km **
87.6 1359 POR Rádio Popular Afifense, Viana do Castelo (vcs) 80AB AFIFENSE 1446km
87.9 1403 POR RDP Antena 1, Lousã/Trevim (coi) 8201 ANTEAN_1 1588km
87.6 1412 E Los 40 Principales, Ourense/Seminario (GAL-OU) E04A _87_6___. Unattended 1348km
87.6 1414 E RNE Radio 5, Marbella/Castillejos (AND-MA) E215 RNE_5-MA. Unattended 1884km
87.7 1415 E Europa FM, Alcalá de Henares (MAD-M) E5ED EUROPAFM. Unattended 1439km **
87.6 1442 E Radio Castilla La Mancha, Almadén/Cerro de la Virgen del Castillo (CAM-CR) E396 LA__O___. Unattended 1647km
87.7 1442 E Euskadi Irratia, Azkoitia (PVA-SS) E301 EUSKADI1. Unattended 1129km
Sporadic E unidentified/Site Unknown, etc.:
87.7 1021 ? UNID, ? C2B7. 73% BER. Unattended
88.8 1304 E Radiole?, Cadiz? E278. Unlisted FM List but listed on Radiole website as Cadiz
88.0 1312 E Radiole?, ? E278. Unlisted
Meteor Scatter:
97.5 0910 F France Musique, Limoges/les Cars (87) Clasical music. Long noise free burst on teh XDR, as 97.0 835km
** Personal Skegness 'First'
Not a bad day with Spain and Portugal dominating for a few hours. Conditions never attempted to advance up the band though.
I would have had some recordings too but the computer locked up when I tried installing a new RTL dongle. Some very odd things happened to my laptop and my desktop computers when I tried, and failed to, install the drivers. In the end I lost my entire recording of today's sporadic E event and a few prize IDs.
Yes, I have another dongle but I don't think I'll bother with it for a while. It was supposed to be an RTL2832U/R280T type. Actually, it might be, but there is no indication of this anywhere on it. I didn't expect miracles for £4 from eBay China though. It doesn't have the Belling Lee socket as I had expected, only a tiny push-on mini-whip connection.
Good DX!
John, Skegness, Lincolnshire (JO03dd) 1.7m (5'9") ASL. Ref. Google Altitude Maps
Website: skegnessdx.blogspot.co.uk
Personal All Time VHF Logbooks: https://sites.google.com/site/skegnessdx/vhf-band-2-logs
VHF Band 2 DX Recordings: https://sites.google.com/site/skegnessdx/skegness-vhf-band-2-fm-dx-recordings
Sony XDR-F1HD (tropospheric)
Kenwood KT6040 (sporadic E & meteor scatter)
Icom IC7000 (OIRT)
Conrad RDS Manager
Rooftop Körner 9.2, 8m AGL www.box.com/s/hc8holzs8sn32sil9fyj
Yaesu G-5500 azimuthal/elevation rotator
RDS Spy v0.99 www.rdsspy.com
87.7 1019 POR RDP Antena 1, Serra do Mendro (bej) 8201 ANTENA_1. Unattended 1770km
87.6 1042 E COPE, Córdoba/Lagar de la Cruz (AND-CO) E2CA __COPE__ 1736km
88.0 1056 POR Mega Hits, Sintra (lis) 8011 MEGA___S 1759km
88.1 1057 POR Radio Regional Sanjoanense, São João da Madeira (avo) 809F 1511km **
89.0 1102 POR Rádio 5, Póvoa de Varzim (prt) 805B RADIO_5_ 1467km
87.9 1103 F Radio Maritima, Istres/Colline Saint-Etienne (13) F436 1123km
87.7 1147 ALG Radio Chlef, Aïn N'sour (48) OM, as web 1913km
90.8 1148 ALG Radio Relizane, Aïn N'sour (48) Phone in, as web 1913km
87.8 1152 ALG Chaîne 1, Mecheria (45) OM, as web 2176km
87.6 1156 ALG Radio Laghouat, Aflou (3) Arabic chanting, as web 2120km
87.7 1300 E Hit FM, Jerez de la Frontera/San Cristóbal (AND-CA) E200 HIT_FM_ 1904km
87.9 1300 MRC SNRT Chaîne Inter, Rabat (SNRT) (rsz) 1002 SNRT-INT 2212km
89.1 1301 E Woman FM, New Andalucian network E201 WOMAN_FM
88.2 1303 E Sol Radio, Sevilla (AND-SE) E230 1819km **
89.0 1305 E Onda Guillena Radio, Guillena (AND-SE) E300 ONDA____ GUILLENA 1803km **
89.2 1305 E Europa FM, Sevilla (AND-SE) E2ED EUROPAFM 1819km
89.4 1306 E Los 40 Principales, San Fernando (AND-CA) E035 CUARENTA 1905km
89.6 1306 E Radio Betis, Sevilla (AND-SE) Vocal ID 1820km **
90.0 1307 E RNE Radio 5, Valencina del Concepción (AND-SE) E215 RNE_5-SE 1818km
88.0 1310 E RNE Radio 5, Punta Umbría (AND-H) E215 RNE_5-H_ 1861km
87.9 1314 E Canal Extremadura Radio, Mérida/Cerro de San Serván (EXT-BA) E30A Canal_EX 1670km
88.8 1315 E Cadena 100, La Guardia/Peña de San Cristóbal (AND-J) E2CE Vocal ID 1741km **
89.0 1316 E RNE Radio Nacional, Antequera (AND-MA) E211 RNE_1___ 1833km
89.1 1316 E Cadena 100, Badajoz/Cansa Burros (EXT-BA) E2CE 1683km
89.5 1320 E Canal Fiesta Radio, Almonaster la Real/Sierra de Aracena (AND-H) E331 C.Fiesta 1783km
89.5 1320 E Onda Cero, Cáceres/Sierra de Portanchito (EXT-CC) E2EE ONDACERO 1605km
90.4 1321 E Onda Cero, Mérida (EXT-BA) E2EE ONDACERO 1662km
92.7 1324 E Europa FM, Olivenza (EXT-BA) E2ED EUROPAFM 1705km **
89.6 1325 POR RFM, Faro/São Miguel-Goldra (agv) 8231 __RFM___ 1893km
93.4 1326 POR RDP Antena 2, Faro/São Miguel-Goldra (agv) 8202 1893km
87.6 1346 POR RDS, Seixal (set) 8042 ___RDS__ 1769km
88.2 1346 POR Ultra FM, Vila Franca de Xira (lis) 80E8 ULTRA_FM 1731km
89.0 1349 POR Rádio Comercial, Leiria/Maunça (lei) 8203 COMRCIAL 1649km
91.2 1350 POR Rádio Clube de Sintra, Sintra (lis) 803A 1759km
90.4 1354 POR Rádio Nostalgia, Lisboa/Monsanto (lis) 8059 NSTALGIA 1760km
89.5 1355 POR TSF Rádio Notícias, Lisboa/Monsanto (lis) 8343 _T_S_F__ 1760km
90.0 1355 POR Mega Hits, Coimbra (coi) 844E MEGAHITS 1586km **
90.2 1355 POR Rádio Renascença, Guarda/P.Vento (gua) 8221 ___RR___ 1516km
88.7 1357 POR RDP Antena 2, Serra de Montejunto (lis) 8202 ANTENA_2 1710km
89.2 1357 POR NFM, Amarante (prt) 844B (not 804B). As web 1466km **
87.8 1358 POR Rádio Montemuro, Cinfães (vrl) 849C MONTMURO 1482km
88.1 1358 POR Benedita FM, Alcobaça (lei) 80ED BENEDITA 1665km **
87.6 1359 POR Rádio Popular Afifense, Viana do Castelo (vcs) 80AB AFIFENSE 1446km
87.9 1403 POR RDP Antena 1, Lousã/Trevim (coi) 8201 ANTEAN_1 1588km
87.6 1412 E Los 40 Principales, Ourense/Seminario (GAL-OU) E04A _87_6___. Unattended 1348km
87.6 1414 E RNE Radio 5, Marbella/Castillejos (AND-MA) E215 RNE_5-MA. Unattended 1884km
87.7 1415 E Europa FM, Alcalá de Henares (MAD-M) E5ED EUROPAFM. Unattended 1439km **
87.6 1442 E Radio Castilla La Mancha, Almadén/Cerro de la Virgen del Castillo (CAM-CR) E396 LA__O___. Unattended 1647km
87.7 1442 E Euskadi Irratia, Azkoitia (PVA-SS) E301 EUSKADI1. Unattended 1129km
Sporadic E unidentified/Site Unknown, etc.:
87.7 1021 ? UNID, ? C2B7. 73% BER. Unattended
88.8 1304 E Radiole?, Cadiz? E278. Unlisted FM List but listed on Radiole website as Cadiz
88.0 1312 E Radiole?, ? E278. Unlisted
Meteor Scatter:
97.5 0910 F France Musique, Limoges/les Cars (87) Clasical music. Long noise free burst on teh XDR, as 97.0 835km
** Personal Skegness 'First'
Not a bad day with Spain and Portugal dominating for a few hours. Conditions never attempted to advance up the band though.
I would have had some recordings too but the computer locked up when I tried installing a new RTL dongle. Some very odd things happened to my laptop and my desktop computers when I tried, and failed to, install the drivers. In the end I lost my entire recording of today's sporadic E event and a few prize IDs.
Yes, I have another dongle but I don't think I'll bother with it for a while. It was supposed to be an RTL2832U/R280T type. Actually, it might be, but there is no indication of this anywhere on it. I didn't expect miracles for £4 from eBay China though. It doesn't have the Belling Lee socket as I had expected, only a tiny push-on mini-whip connection.
Good DX!
John, Skegness, Lincolnshire (JO03dd) 1.7m (5'9") ASL. Ref. Google Altitude Maps
Website: skegnessdx.blogspot.co.uk
Personal All Time VHF Logbooks: https://sites.google.com/site/skegnessdx/vhf-band-2-logs
VHF Band 2 DX Recordings: https://sites.google.com/site/skegnessdx/skegness-vhf-band-2-fm-dx-recordings
Sony XDR-F1HD (tropospheric)
Kenwood KT6040 (sporadic E & meteor scatter)
Icom IC7000 (OIRT)
Conrad RDS Manager
Rooftop Körner 9.2, 8m AGL www.box.com/s/hc8holzs8sn32sil9fyj
Yaesu G-5500 azimuthal/elevation rotator
RDS Spy v0.99 www.rdsspy.com
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