Band 2 Sporadic E:
91.2 0957 POR Rádio RCS, Sintra (lis) 803A ??SINT?? 1760km
87.6 1113 ALG Chaîne 3, Kef El Akhal (25) 2203 CHAINE_3 1927km
90.7 1114 ALG Chaîne 1, Kef El Akhal (25) 2201 CHAINE_1 1927km
88.9 1124 F Delta FM, Le Grau-du-Roi/Aigues-Mortes (30) F685 DELTA_FM 1101km
88.2 1125 F Radio Grille Ouverte, Alès/Saint-Germain (30) F6B4 R.G.O.__ 1041km
88.0 1147 TUN Radio Zitouna FM, Djebel Zaghouan (zag) 7211 ZITOUNA_ 2016km
93.3 1149 I RAI Radio2, Santu Lussurgiu/Punta Badde Urbara (RAI) (or)
5202 __RAI___ _RADIO2_ 1575km
90.2 1204 F France Bleu Gard Lozère, Nîmes/les Capitelles (30) F207 1073km
91.6 1205 F France Bleu Gard Lozère, Alès/Mont Bouquet (30) F207 BLEUGARD 1044km **
92.2 1205 F Radio Fréquence Nîmes, Nîmes/la Clapeyrole (30) F6B2 R.NIMES_ 1073km **
90.5 1206 F Chérie FM, Alès/Saint-Germain (30) F224 CHERIEFM 1041km **
92.6 1206 F Skyrock, Nîmes/Charles-Gide (30) F214 1078km **
87.8 1214 E Rock FM, Figueres (CAT-GI) E2CF 1229km **
90.5 1215 F Virgin Radio, Narbonne/les Hauts de Narbonne (11) Hugely distorted overmod.
F219 _VIR??N_ 1128km
87.6 1217 E Catalunya Música, Portbou/Puig del Claper (CAT-GI) E232 1212km **
92.5 1217 F Grand Sud FM, Narbonne/les Hauts de Narbonne (11) F642 GRAN??UD 1128km **
91.8 1218 F France Musique, Cerbère/le Cap (66) F203 1210km **
88.6 1219 E IB3 Ràdio, Es Mercadal/El Toro (BAL-MN) E2A0 1492km
90.4 1219 F RCF, Ganges/Roc Blanc (34) F851 1060km
87.6 1221 F France Inter, Alès/Mont Bouquet (30) F201 __INTER_ 1044km
87.9 1224 F Radio Maritima, Istres/Colline Saint-Etienne (13) F436 MARITIMA 1123km
87.7 1229 F RCF, Limoux/Girbes de Bacou (11) F851 ??F_AU?? 1137km
87.9 1230 E RNE Radio Clásica, Bunyola/Alfabia (BAL-ML) E212 RNE-CLAS 1503km
87.7 1234 F Europe 1, Figeac/la Pierre-Levée (46) F213 958km **
88.1 1235 F France Inter, Tuchan/Crête au né de Tautavel (11) OM, as 88.3 1162km **
88.3 1235 F France Inter, Carcassonne/Pic de Nore (11) F201 __INTER_ 1093km
88.9 1235 E CCMA (pitido y partidos), Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba (CAT-GI) Tone 1244km
89.1 1235 F France Inter, Montpellier/Tour de Bionne (34) F201 __?????? 1092km **
89.4 1235 E Cadena 100, Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba (CAT-GI) E2CE CAD-100_ 1244km
89.9 1235 E COPE, Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba (CAT-GI) E2CA 1244km
90.4 1235 E Melodía FM, Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba (CAT-GI) E2DA 1244km
91.0 1235 F FM Plus, Montpellier/Castelnau-le-Lez (34) F360 ??????US 1090km
91.1 1235 E RNE Radio Clásica, Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba (CAT-GI) E212 RNE-CLAS 1244km
91.2 1235 F Radio Espérance, Clermont-Ferrand/les Cézeaux (63) F864 ESPERANC 846km **
91.4 1235 E RAC 105, Portbou/Puig del Claper (CAT-GI) E250 1212km **
91.6 1235 F Europe 1, Perpignan-Baixas/Esperes (66) F213 d'?????? 1170km **
92.1 1235 F France Inter, Perpignan/Pic de Neulos (66) F201 __INTER_ 1202km
92.6 1235 F Radio Classique, Clermont-Ferrand/les Cézeaux (63) F221 846km **
93.3 1235 F Radio Campus Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont-Ferrand/les Cézeaux (63)
FF42 846km **
93.3 1235 E RNE Radio Nacional, Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba (CAT-GI) Vocal ID 1244km
93.7 1236 F France Musique, Cessenon-sur-Orb/Babeau Bouldoux (34) Presumed site
F203 1094km **
93.8 1236 E Ràdio Capital, Palafrugell (CAT-GI) E0BA CAPITAL_ 1269km **
94.6 1236 F RTL 2, Perpignan/El Molinas (66) F215 __RTL2__ 1180km
95.0 1236 F Radio Arrels, Perpignan/Roc Rodoun (66) F6A9 1169km **
95.7 1236 F Virgin Radio, Perpignan-Baixas/Esperes (66) F219 _VIRGIN_ 1170km **
96.1 1236 F Grand Sud FM, Perpignan/El Molinas (66) F642 1180km **
96.3 1236 F NRJ, Rodez/le Baracou (12) F220 998km **
96.5 1236 F France Culture, Carcassonne/Pic de Nore (11) F202 1093km **
97.2 1236 F France Musique, Perpignan/Pic de Neulos (66) F203 MUSIQUE_ 1202km
97.3 1236 F MFM Radio, Rodez/La Mouline (12) F225 MF??AD?? 993km **
97.6 1236 F Chérie FM, Perpignan/Roc Rodoun (66) F224 1169km **
98.8 1236 F RCN Radio, Perpignan/Roc Rodoun (66) F690 1169km **
99.8 1237 F France Culture, Perpignan/Pic de Neulos (66) F202 _CULTURE 1202km
101.3 1237 E Kiss FM, Canet d'Adri/Rocacorba (CAT-GI) E2EC KISS_FM_ 1244km **
101.6 1237 F France Bleu Roussillon, Perpignan/Pic de Neulos (66) F209 BLEUROUS 1202km
103.2 1237 F Sud Radio, Perpignan/Pic de Neulos (66) F650 SUDRADIO 1202km
92.8 1239 F France Musique, Le Puy-en-Velay/Saint-Jean-de-Nay (43) F203 MUSIQUE_ 927km **
89.3 1240 F France Culture, Le Puy-en-Velay/Saint-Jean-de-Nay (43) F202 ??UL??RE 927km **
87.9 1341 FIN YLE Radio Yksi, Espoo - Esbo/Saunalahti-Tillinmäki (uu) 6201 YLE_YKSI 1665km
88.4 1342 FIN Radio Nostalgia, Porvoo - Borgå/Kiiala-Kiialankuja (uu) 6411 1724km
88.5 1342 FIN YLE Radio Yksi, Anjalankoski/Kouvola-Liikkala, Sopasenpolku 40 (ky)
6201 YLE_YKSI 1808km
87.8 1353 FIN Radio Nova, Padasjoki (ph) 6209 1739km
88.6 1354 FIN SR P3, Sund/Finby-Fejansberg (ah) (S) E203 1434km
91.3 1354 FIN Ålands Radio, Sund/Finby-Fejansberg (ah) 6031 1434km
87.6 1355 FIN Radio City, Valkeakoski/Kaskela-Pilvitie (pi) 62AC 1676km
87.6 1747 POR RDS, Seixal (set) 8042 ___RDS__ 1770km
87.8 1747 POR Rádio Montemuro, Cinfães (vrl) 849C 1483km
88.0 1747 POR Mega Hits, Sintra (lis) Mega Hits promo 1760km
88.7 1747 POR RDP Antena 2, Serra de Montejunto (lis) 8202 ANTENA_2 1711km
89.0 1747 POR Rádio Comercial, Leiria/Maunça (lei) Jingle ID 1650km
89.5 1747 POR TSF Rádio Notícias, Lisboa/Monsanto (lis) 8343 _T_S_F__ 1760km
90.0 1747 POR Mega Hits, Coimbra (coi) 844E 1586km
90.2 1747 POR Rádio Renascença, Serra de Montejunto (lis) Presumed, with choir 1711km
90.4 1747 POR Rádio Nostalgia, Lisboa/Monsanto (lis) 8059 NSTALGIA 1761km
92.4 1747 POR Mega Hits, Lisboa/Monsanto (lis) Mega Hits promo 1760km
92.6 1747 POR Rádio Sim, Rio Maior (san) Relaying Radio Renascenca 8467 1688km
92.8 1747 POR Horizonte FM, Loures (lis) 804F HORIZ.FM 1751km
93.2 1747 POR RFM, Lisboa/Monsanto (lis) 1760km
93.8 1747 POR Rádio Europa, Torres Vedras (lis) 806D EUROPA__ 1726km
94.0 1747 POR 94 FM, Leiria (lei) 807C 94LEIRIA 1641km
94.8 1747 POR Rádio NFM, Bombarral (lei) 8446 __NFM___ 1706km
95.1 1747 POR Rádio Sim, Leiria/Maunça (lei) Presume with Religious stuff 1650km
95.5 1747 POR Rádio Cister, Alcobaça (lei) 801A _CISTER_ 1666km
96.4 1747 POR M80 Rádio, Serra de Montejunto (lis) 8332 __M80___ 1711km
97.8 1747 POR Rádioeste, Torres Vedras (lis) 1726km **
98.7 1747 POR RDP Antena 1, Leiria/Maunça (lei) Vocal ID 1649km
100.0 1747 POR RDP Antena 3, Banática/Almada (lis) Vocal ID 1767km
100.3 1747 POR RDP Antena 3, Lisboa/Monsanto (lis) 8204 ANTENA_3 1760km
100.8 1747 POR Rádio MEO Music, Almada (set) 8406 MEOMUSIC 1766km
103.4 1747 POR Rádio Renascença, Lisboa/Monsanto (lis) 8221 ___RR___ 1760km
104.3 1747 POR M80 Rádio, Lisboa/Monsanto (lis) 8332 __M8???? 1760km
89.0 1913 POR Rádio 5, Póvoa de Varzim (prt) 845B RADIO_5_ 1468km
87.7 1928 SVK Fun Rádio, Košice/Dubník (KE) 5340 1544km
88.3 1928 POL PR 1, Opole/Chrzelice (OP) 3211 1229km
88.5 1928 SVK Rádio Vlna, Snina/Magurica (PO) 5218 1589km
89.4 1928 POL PR 1, Kraków/Choragwica (MP) 3211 JEDYNKA_ __21:28_ 1406km
92.4 1928 POL Radio WAWA, Nowy Sacz/Komin MPEC (MP) Jingle ID 1463km
93.0 1928 POL RMF FM, Katowice/Kosztowy (SL) 3F44 1333km
99.1 1929 POL PR 2, Nowy Sacz/G.Wysokie (MP) 3222 1451km **
99.6 1929 ROU SRR Radio România Actualitati, Suceava/Mihoveni (SV) EE00 1917km
101.1 1929 ROU SRR Radio România Actualitati, Iasi/Pietrarie (IS) EE00 RRACTUAL 2046km
101.6 1929 ROU SRR Radio România Cultural, Suceava/Mihoveni (SV) EE01 CULTURAL 1917km
101.7 1929 SVK SRo 4 Rádio_FM, Bardejov/Stebnická Magura (PO) 5202 1509km
102.0 1929 MDA Radio Moldova Actualitati, Ungheni/SRTV Cetireni (UN) 1201 ????IO__ 2056km
103.1 1929 ROU SRR Radio România Cultural, Iasi/Pietrarie (IS) EE01 CULTURAL 2046km
104.6 1930 POL RMF Maxxx, Nowy Sacz/G.Wysokie (MP) 3399 RMFMAXXX _N.Sacz_ 104,6MHz 1451km **
91.1 1935 POL PR 1, Tarnów/Lichwin (MP) 3211 POLSKIE_ __RADIO_ JEDYNKA_ 1465km
96.0 1935 POL RMF FM, Kraków/Choragwica (MP) 3F44 ??MF???? 1406km
96.3 1935 POL PR 3, Solina/G.Jawor II (PK) 3233 1591km
97.2 1935 SVK SRo 2 Rádio Regina, Medzilaborce/Panská Kýcera (PO) 5D60 1557km
100.8 1935 ROU SRR Radio România Actualitati, Botosani/Saveni (BT) EE00 RRACTUAL 1948km
Band 2 Troposhperic:
106.0 0459 D Antenne Niedersachsen, Göttingen/Bovenden (nds) Vocal ID 676km **
** Personal First
A fascinating Es opening to France with lots of personal firsts. Having visited this part of southern France and Northeast Spain twice in the past, staying in Argelès-Sur Mer and Palafrugell, I was familiar with many of the local place names and even remember listening to some of the stations when I was there, so this was a special day of DX. I also remember it was on one of the return trips back home in the car, that I experienced a bit of reciprocal DX when the band opened up from just north of Argelès-sur-Mer, right up to Scotland and Northern Ireland. The most striking part of that reception was a consistently strong signal from BBC Radio Foyle on 93.1 from the Londonderry site. Glasgow stations were also piling through, particularly 100.3 - that might have been Scot FM at that time.
Also in the above log was the very trailing end of an amazing spell of tropo. I only logged the one station. Curiously, just about the only German staton on the band and a brand new one for my log: Antenne Niedersachsen from Göttingen on 106.0. Where did that come from?
Today was a great day of DX!
Good DX!
John Faulkner
Skegness, Lincolnshire (JO03dd) <3m ASL.
YouTube Channel:
Vimeo Channel:
Elad FDM-S2 (Meteor Scatter and sporadic E)
Sony XDR-F1HD with Konrad i2c mod. (Tropo/Scatter)
Körner 9.2 @ 5.5 metres agl. QTH is approximately 3 metres asl, 1km from the sea.
Fringe Electronics 20dB pre-amp.
Elad FDM-SW2, SDR Console File Analyser & RDS Spy via VAC.
XDR-GTK v0.3.1 for the Sony XDR-F1HD
Yaesu G-5500 azimuth & elevation rotator, allowing antenna to be vertical, horizontal, etc.
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