Band 2 Meteor Scatter:
89.9 0234 HNG Dankó Rádió, Komádi / Heréskert (HaB) B206 D 1649km **
96.5 0347 DNK DR P4, København-Gladsaxe/Isbanevej 4 (hvs) 9602 836km
97.3 0415 HRV HRT-HR 1, Psunj (sb) C201 __T-HR__ 1500km
97.5 0447 AUT Ö1, Linz 1/Lichtenberg (obe) A201 1111km
103.0 0516 HRV HRT Radio Zadar, Celevac (zd) C31B R-ZA____ 1499km
99.5 0532 CZE CRo Radiožurnál, Zlín/Tlustá hora (ZL) 232F 1281km
100.9 0532 SVK Europa 2, Poprad/Králová hola (PO) 534F 1459km
102.0 0532 CZE CRo Dvojka, Brno/Kojál (JM) 232E R-DVOJKA 1219km
103.0 0532 CZE Radio Krokodýl, Brno/Hády (JM) 20A2 __KO____ 1217km
103.2 0532 CZE CRo Dvojka, Votice/Mezivrata (ST) 232E ______KA 1069km
103.5 0532 SVK SRo 1 Rádio Slovensko, Žilina/Krížava (ZA) 5201 1363km
104.0 0532 SVK Fun Rádio, Banská Bystrica/Suchá hora (BB) 5340 FUNRADIO 1392km
104.1 0532 ROU SRR Radio România Actualitati, Oradea=Nagyvárad (BH) EE00 RR__TU__
104.3 0532 SVK SRo 4 Rádio_FM, Poprad/Králová hola (PO) 5202 __DI____ 1459km
104.5 0532 CZE Frekvence 1, Brno/Kojál (JM) 2205 F1_104,5 1219km
104.7 0532 CZE Rádio Blaník, Plzen/Radec (PL) 233C 993km **
105.0 0532 CZE Frekvence 1, Zlín/Tlustá hora (ZL) 2205 F1_105,0 1281km
105.1 0532 HNG MR 3 Bartók Rádió, Komádi / Heréskert (HaB) B202 1649km **
Band 2 Tropospheric:
105.3 0926 D B5 aktuell, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) YL, as web 732km
102.6 0929 D NDR 2, Stadthagen/Bückeberge (nds) Ads, as web 606km
101.2 0930 D Bremen Vier, Bremen-Walle (bre) Bremen ads 565km
101.4 0930 D Radio SAW, Brocken (san) Whispered ID jingle 712km
98.0 0931 D NDR 1 Niedersachsen, Torfhaus (Harz-West) (nds) NDR Eins
Niedersachsen ID 707km
97.8 0932 D NDR 2, Lingen-Damaschke (nds) OM ID, not // 98.0 477km
97.4 0933 D SWR4 Rheinland-Pfalz, Linz (Rhein)/Ginsterhahner Kopf (rlp)
D6A4 __R4_K__ 560km
95.4 0936 D SWR2, Bad Marienberg (rlp) OM, as web, mixing UNID German 592km
96.8 1000 F France Inter, Reims/TDF Hautvillers (51) Briefly over
Ijsselstein 516km
99.0 1004 BEL Randstad FM, Mechelen/Douaneplein (vlg-ant) Kim Wilde song, as per
their new web player 370km
99.6 1005 D hr-info, Sackpfeife (Biedenkopf) (hes) YL speech, ID 612km
104.9 1006 D Antenne Niedersachsen, Aurich (nds) Pops, as 105.7 478km
105.9 1007 D Antenne Niedersachsen, Osnabrück/Schleptruper Egge (nds) ID and
Aerosmith song 525km
107.4 1008 D Radio Wuppertal, Wuppertal/Westfalenweg (nrw) OM ID (Noise free)
87.6 1018 HOL Omroep Brabant, Mierlo/Torenweg-Alticom (nbr) Fears For Tears
song, as web 406km
88.9 1020 HOL RTV NH, Amsterdam/Alticom Toren (nho) OM talk, as web 320km
91.5 1022 HOL BNR Nieuwsradio, Eys/Alticom Toren (lim) OM, as 95.4 462km
91.8 1023 HOL FunX, Rotterdam/Alticom Toren (Waalhaven) (zho) YL phone caller,
as web 313km
87.8 1028 F Radio Courtoisie, Cherbourg-Octeville/Bélier (50) French OM and
YL, as web 415km
93.0 1032 F France Bleu Breizh Izel, Brest/Roc Trédudon (29) F205 BLEU-BZH
92.9 1037 F France Musique, Villers-Cotterêts/Fleury (02) OM and YL, as 88.7
89.8 1040 F France Musique, Abbeville/Limeux (80) OM and YL, as 88.7 364km
92.2 1102 HOL Omrop Fryslân Radio, Jirnsum/Rijksweg (fri) 8411 OMROP___
FRYSLAN_ 92.2_FM_ 365km
104.9 1106 HOL Radio Purmerend, Purmerend/Mast Centrum (nho) Pops and jingle
with OM ID 320km
105.6 1108 HOL RTV SLOGO, Ouddorp/Hofdijksweg (zho) OM commentary, as web
287km **
107.0 1111 G Heart, Redruth (EN-CNW) Heart jingle. Virtually RDS level 504km
102.8 1114 G Pirate FM 102, Redruth (EN-CNW) Promo for "Neil and Tina's
Thousand Pound Minute on Pirate FM" 504km
107.1 1128 HOL Radio Enkhuizen, Enkhuizen/Gerard Brandtweg (nho) Rod Stewart and
Bryan Adams track, as web 335km
104.7 1140 HOL Radio Continu, Leeuwarden/Avéro-Residentie (fri) Jingle, rock
song, as web 365km
90.8 1143 HOL Radio Drenthe, Smilde/Alticom Toren (dre) YL and OM phone caller,
as web 407km
** Personal 'First'
Meteor activity was low, considering I was beaming east/horizontal, usually the most favourable direction. Some new frequencies were noted from regular transmitters.
Tropo took hold at last, bringing in a few of the more regular tropo stations. Nice to see that Randstad FM 99.0 now has a web stream, so easy // checks can be made. More usually, RPV/RCV from Lille are the continentals heard on 99.0 when vertical.
The tropo peaked during the late morning as distances decreased, bringing in a few Dutch locals at the top of the band. All stations heard were identified. After this, conditions tried to peak to the south-west with Cornish stations trying. The Brest transmitter in Brittany was also on the increase but conditions soon fizzled around midday. Will it pick up later?
Good DX!
John Faulkner
Skegness, Lincolnshire (JO03dd) <3m ASL.
YouTube Channel:
Vimeo Channel:
Elad FDM-S2
Sony XDR-F1HD with Konrad i2c mod.
Körner 9.2 @ 5.5 metres agl. QTH is 3 metres asl.
Triax FM3, one metre above the ground as a phasing antenna.
Fringe Electronics 20dB & Labgear 30dB band 2 pre-amps.
HS Publications Antenna Phaser.
Elad FDM-SW2, SDR Console File Analyser & RDS Spy via VAC.
XDR-GTK v0.3.1 for the Sony XDR-F1HD
Yaesu G-5500 azimuth & elevation rotator, allowing antenna to be vertical, horizontal, etc.
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