Band 2 Tropospheric:
90.2 0723 D NDR Kultur, Lingen-Damaschke (nds) Phone in, as web 477km
102.1 0746 D RPR 1., Scharteberg (Eifel) (rlp) ID and pops 550km
107.6 0820 D Antenne Thüringen, Remda (Saalfeld) (thü) Ads, as web 788km
107.9 0821 D BR Klassik, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) Close to RDS. Classical 732km
107.3 0823 D hr4, Heidelstein (Rhön) [bay] (hes) OMs talk, as web 729km
106.9 0824 D Hitradio RTL Sachsen, Leipzig Wiederau (sac) OM and YL lively discussion and jingle
ID 843km
105.1 0830 D Hit Radio FFH, Hoher Meißner (hes) ID and weather 684km
104.8 0831 D hr1, Heidelstein (Rhön) [bay] (hes) OM, as web 729km
107.4 0841 D Radio Wuppertal, Wuppertal/Westfalenweg (nrw) Probably scatter. Jingle ID
105.6 0843 D MDR JUMP, Remda (Saalfeld) (thü) Pops, as web. Over Donnersberg 788km
104.9 0846 D big fm (Rheinland-Pfalz), Ahrweiler/Schöneberg (rlp) Twangy techno, as web 553km
101.7 0848 D hr4, Hoher Meißner (hes) Pops, as web 684km
101.2 0851 D Bremen Vier, Bremen-Walle (bre) Web address 565km
95.0 0857 D hr-info, Rimberg (hes) OM, as web 678km
93.8 0859 D bremen eins, Bremen-Walle (bre) Toh ID and news 565km
89.5 0902 D hr3, Hoher Meißner (hes) News, as web 684km
88.3 0903 D Nordwestradio, Bremen-Walle (bre) Overriding Sutton Coldfield 565km
91.8 0914 HOL FunX, Rotterdam/Alticom Toren (Waalhaven) (zho) Lively pops, as web 313km
92.4 0916 HOL PuurNL, Westdorpe/Verkavelingsweg (zee) Lively pops and lively OM DJ, as web 322km
98.0 0924 HOL Radio Decibel, Amsterdam/Alticom Toren (nho) 86F0 DECIBEL_ 320km
107.3 0931 BEL VBRO, Diksmuide/IJzertoren (vlg-wvl) Spandex ad. ID 292km
89.9 0937 HOL Haarlem 105 Radio, Haarlem/Alticom Toren (nho) PhD song, as web 304kmx
107.7 0955 BEL Radio Plus, Gent/Opgeëistenlaan (vlg-ovl) Jingle ID. On horizontal beam 328km
93.4 1016 D Bayern 3, Pfaffenberg (bay) Status Quo song, as web 712km
104.1 1023 D WDR 4, Olsberg (nrw) Elvis song, as web 592km
106.3 1027 D Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Hornisgrinde/SWR (bwü) Brief. Troposcatter? As web 748km
106.4 1028 D WDR Eins Live, Aachen/Stolberg (nrw) Briefly took over Kiss!! 483km
107.7 1042 D Antenne Bayern, Hochries (bay) YL ID, phone caller 1034km
97.2 1058 D Deutschlandradio Kultur, Inselsberg (thü) YL, as web 739km
99.0 1113 AUT Hitradio Ö3, Salzburg 1/Gaisberg (ORS) (sal) Pops, as web. Mixing with Hoher
Meissner 1080km
94.8 1114 AUT Ö2 - Radio Salzburg, Salzburg 1/Gaisberg (ORS) (sal) Soft pop song, as web 1080km
103.6 1118 D RPR 1., Kalmit (rlp) Jingle ID between songs 687km
87.9 1126 D MDR Figaro, Inselsberg (thü) Passenger song, as web 739km
90.2 1127 D MDR JUMP, Inselsberg (thü) OM ID 739km
91.6 1129 D SWR3, Koblenz/Dieblich-Naßheck (rlp) Pops, as web 590km
92.4 1133 D SWR1 Rheinland-Pfalz, Linz (Rhein)/Ginsterhahner Kopf (rlp) Gloria Gaynor song, as
web 560km
95.4 1136 D SWR2, Bad Marienberg (rlp) Operatic Car song, Nissan Dorma, as web 592km
99.6 1141 D hr-info, Sackpfeife (Biedenkopf) (hes) Noise free. OM, as web 612km
102.3 1145 D BR Klassik, Wendelstein (bay) Classical, as web. 24dB 1024km
107.1 1149 D B5 aktuell, Ochsenkopf (bay) YL, as 105.3 865km
106.9 1150 D B5 aktuell, Grünten (Allgäu) (bay) Jingle and YL news, as 105.3 942km
91.7 1206 D MDR 1 Radio Thüringen, Sonneberg/Bleßberg (thü) Bangles song, as web 793km
94.2 1209 D Deutschlandradio Kultur, Sonneberg/Bleßberg (thü) Phone caller, as web 793km
105.4 1211 D Hitradio RTL Sachsen, Chemnitz/Geyer (sac) Joan Jett song, as web 904km
91.4 1214 D Bayern 1, Büttelberg (bay) Light pops and OM ID 812km
92.8 1218 D MDR 1 Radio Sachsen, Chemnitz/Geyer (sac) Rogers and Parton song, as web 904km **
95.3 1220 D YOU FM (hr), Hardberg (hes) Pops, as web. Mixing with Essex 712km
95.8 1222 D Bayern 3, Grünten (Allgäu) (bay) YL and child phone caller, as web 942km
98.8 1226 D NDR Kultur, Osnabrück/Schleptruper Egge (nds) German OM, as web 525km
102.6 1230 D NDR 2, Stadthagen/Bückeberge (nds) ID and pops 606km
97.5 1256 D SWR3, Bornberg (rlp) ID in ad break 640km
106.2 1257 D hr3, Heidelstein (Rhön) [bay] (hes) Ad break, as web 729km
105.9 1258 D Hit Radio FFH, Großer Feldberg (Taunus)/hr (hes) ID and info 647km
105.6 1259 D SWR4 Rheinland-Pfalz, Donnersberg (rlp) ID and news 656km
103.0 1302 D BFBS Radio, Bielefeld/Hünenburg (nrw) BFBS News and ID 564km
102.8 1303 D Radio Regenbogen, Heidelberg/Königstuhl, DTAG (bwü) YL ID and pops 717km **
93.0 1310 D BFBS Radio, Braunschweig/Drachenberg (nds) Pops, as 103.0 712km
93.7 1311 D Bayern 1, Wendelstein (bay) German OM, as web 1024km
94.4 1313 D hr1, Großer Feldberg (Taunus)/hr (hes) Sports commentary, as web 647km
101.6 1314 D hr4, Hardberg (hes) Interview, as 107.3 712km
106.7 1319 D big fm (Rheinland-Pfalz), Kalmit (rlp) Pop song, as web. Mixing with Langeberg.
106.8 1320 D Hit Radio FFH, Driedorf/Höllberg (hes) Pops, as 105.1 604km
96.3 1322 D Bayern 3, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) Pops, as web 732km
88.0 1323 D SR 1 Europawelle, Göttelborner Höhe (saa) Pops, as web 629km
95.2 1334 D MDR Figaro, Sonneberg/Bleßberg (thü) Piano music, plinking above the noise. As web
95.5 1335 D hr2, Hoher Meißner (hes) OM, as web 684km
97.4 1711 D Deutschlandradio Kultur, Brocken (san) D220 DKULTUR_ 39dB 712km
101.4 1716 D Radio SAW, Brocken (san) D3D9 _S_A_W__ 38dB 712km
94.6 1717 D MDR 1 Radio Sachsen-Anhalt, Brocken (san) D4D1 MDR_S-AN 712km
89.0 1719 D 89.0 RTL, Brocken (san) D0DB 89.0_RTL 712km
100.9 1726 D Hit Radio FFH, Heidelstein (Rhön) [bay] (hes) Pops and ID 729km
107.8 1732 D MDR Figaro, Brocken (san) D3C3 __IG__O_. RDSing at 24dB! 712km
89.5 1806 D Bayern 2, Wendelstein (bay) Strange OM, as web 1024km
98.4 1815 D SWR3, Hornisgrinde/SWR (bwü) Slowly spoken jingle ID. ads 748km
98.5 1823 D Bayern 3, Wendelstein (bay) D313 ____RN__ 1024km
101.9 1832 D Antenne Bayern, Heidelstein (Rhön) (bay) ID and adverts 729km
105.7 1838 D B5 aktuell, Wendelstein (bay) D315 B5_Akt__ 1024km
96.0 1848 D Bayern 2, Ochsenkopf (bay) OM ID between slow pops 865km
87.6 1913 D NDR 2, Hamburg-Moorfleet (ham) V v weak with Indeep song, as web 650km
92.1 1919 D NDR 2, Torfhaus (Harz-West) (nds) D382 _NDR-2__ 707km
103.5 1928 D Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Torfhaus/DTAG (nds) D210 __DLF___ 707km
98.0 1930 D NDR 1 Niedersachsen, Torfhaus (Harz-West) (nds) D381 NDR1_NDS 707km
100.3 1935 D Planet Radio, Eisenberg (Neuenstein) (hes) Planet Club In The Mix 677km
99.0 1954 D hr1, Hoher Meißner (hes) D361 684km
106.3 1958 D Antenne Niedersachsen, Torfhaus/DTAG (nds) Jingle ID 707km
93.6 2007 D SWR4 Rheinland-Pfalz, Scharteberg (Eifel) (rlp) Roy Orbison song and ID 550km
89.9 2016 D NDR Kultur, Torfhaus (Harz-West) (nds) Classical 707km
107.1 2021 D SWR4 Rheinland-Pfalz, Haardtkopf (rlp) ID and phone caller 593km
97.7 2027 D SWR1 Rheinland-Pfalz, Haardtkopf (rlp) Pops and OM, as web 593km
96.7 2028 D hr2, Großer Feldberg (Taunus)/hr (hes) Piano music, as web. Over KLFM 647km
105.6 2104 SUI Radio SRF 3, Säntis (ar) German OM, as web 917km
107.8 2106 SUI RSI Rete Uno, Säntis (ar) Italian OM, as web 917km
107.3 2110 SUI RSI Rete Uno, Chasseral (be) Pops, as 107.8 823km
95.4 2113 SUI Radio SRF 2 Kultur, Säntis (ar) OM, as web 917km
99.5 2133 D NDR Info, Torfhaus (Harz-West) (nds) Barry White song, as web 707km
104.6 2136 AUT FM 4, Salzburg 1/Gaisberg (ORS) (sal) Drum and bass music, as web 1080km
107.3 2206 D SWR4 Baden-Württemberg, Raichberg (bwü) ID and night service. Producing slight echo
against Heidelberg 813km
105.0 2208 D Radio 7, Iberger Kugel (bwü) Pops, as web 922km
90.7 2211 D Bayern 1, Ochsenkopf (bay) Pops, as web. 107.1 also in 865km
91.8 2212 D SWR2, Raichberg (bwü) Classical, as web 813km
94.3 2219 D SWR3, Raichberg (bwü) Pops, as web 813km
97.3 2226 HOL Shrik Van Gammelke, Weerselo (Ov) Dutch music, as web. On horizontal beam!
105.3 2309 D B5 aktuell, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) OM, as 105.7 732km
91.5 2315 D MDR JUMP, Brocken (san) D3C2 M_R_____ 712km
103.2 2322 D Antenne Bayern, Ochsenkopf (bay) Whispered ID between songs 865km
91.0 2328 D hr1, Sackpfeife (Biedenkopf) (hes) Robbie Williams song, as web 612km
104.3 2329 D hr4, Sackpfeife (Biedenkopf) (hes) German song, as web 612km
101.0 2347 D WDR 2, Bärbelkreuz (Eifel) (nrw) Pops, as web 519km
87.7 2351 D MDR Figaro, Chemnitz/Geyer (sac) Classical, as 87.9 904km
100.3 2354 D Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Ochsenkopf (bay) YL, as web 865km
** Personal Skegness 'First'
This was one of the most bizarre tropos I have known, as the videos
should demonstrate. Instead of signals being stable, as you would expect
with tropo ducting, they were up and down like yo-yos. A signal might
have faded in from nothing, gone up to RDS levels, then back down into
the noise in less than half a minute. Brocken and Torfhaus provided the
most consistent signal strengths, but even they were subject to this
I logged most of the German transmitters I received in this opening to
give a complete picture of what happened, but I missed out some NRW
transmitters which were also coming in at enhanced levels, such as
Langenberg, Aachen, Teutoburger Wald, Bonn & Munster. Other regular
continentals from northern France, Belgium and Holland were also up to
40dB most of the time, yet again suffering this strange fluttery effect.
Since my daily Vimeo upload is ten files and I have many more than that,
I have uploaded my videos of the pick of today's DX to my YouTube
channel at I
know there is at least one video which has had its audio muted. I hope
there aren't any more. If you have any problems hearing the audio please
let me know.
Good DX!
John Faulkner
Skegness, Lincolnshire (JO03dd) <3m ASL.
YouTube Channel:
Vimeo Channel:
Sony XDR-F1HD with Konrad i2c modification
Körner 9.2 @ 5.5 metres agl. QTH is 3 metres asl.
Yaesu G-5500 azimuth & elevation rotator, allowing antenna to be vertical or horizontal, etc.
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