Tropospheric Log:
87.7 0814 E Euskadi Irratia, Azkoitia (PVA-SS) YL with phone in, as web stream 1129km
88.9 0819 E Euskadi Irratia, Bilbao=Bilbo/Ganeta (PVA-BI) Phone in, as 87.7 1130km **
88.0 0831 E Radio Nervión, Bilbao=Bilbo/Ganeta (PVA-BI) Vocal ID after Spanish music. 1130km **
87.9 0843 F France Culture, Parthenay/les Chateliers (79) Vweak against v weak Alencon 88.0 712km
97.8 0857 E COPE, Bilbao=Bilbo/Ganguren (PVA-BI) ID and ads. Fighting against Breast 1124km **
94.2 0910 G Signal Radio, Oxford pirate? ID and mention of Oxford listeners **
95.0 0924 E Euskadi Irratia, Zaldiaran (PVA-VI) OM YL, as web 1173km **
88.2 0930 E SER, Zaldiaran (PVA-VI) ID on the half hour 1173km **
90.4 0938 F France Inter, Clermont-Ferrand/Puy-de-Dôme (63) Vocal ID after slow French song 842km
91.2 0940 E Gaztea, Monte Oiz (PVA-BI) ID and pops, as web stream. Weak and scratchy 1124km **
101.0 1010 F Tendance Ouest, Saint-Lô/les Romains (50) Vocal ID in promos. Jingle ID 456km
102.9 1014 E RNE Radio 3, Liérganes/Peña Cabarga (CNT-S) OMs and guitar track, as web 1128km
104.8 1016 E Radio Euskadi, Gorramendi (NAV-NA) Live sports commentary, as web 1112km **
105.0 1017 E RNE Radio 5, Liérganes/Peña Cabarga (CNT-S) Live sports commentary, as web 1128km
87.8 1027 F Radio Courtoisie, Cherbourg-Octeville (50) OM talk, v weak, as web 414km
91.6 1052 E RNE Radio Clásica, Culleredo/Monte Xalo (GAL-C) Church organ music, as web. V weak 1276km
96.9 1124 E RNE Radio Nacional, Liérganes/Peña Cabarga (CNT-S) Talking about salads, as web. Briefly over Heart 1128km
98.5 1128 E Kiss FM, Santander (CNT-S) Vocal and jingle ID. Spanish pops 1129km
88.3 1205 NOR NRK P2, Lyngdal (va) Unusual music, as web 697km
98.7 1206 NOR NRK P2, Bjerkreim/Urdalsnippa (ro) Unusual music, as web 703km
97.6 1210 NOR NRK P1, Lyngdal (va) Chillout music and YL, as web 697km
87.8 1527 NOR NRK P1, Hovdefjell (aa) Norwegian OM clearing his throat, as web 806km
90.2 1530 DNK DR P1/DR P2, Holstebro - Mejrup/Kalsgårdvej 11 (mjy) OM on phone, as web 645km
90.8 1530 DNK DR P1/DR P2, København-Gladsaxe/Isbanevej 4 (hvs) OM on phone, as 90.2 837km
92.5 1532 NOR NRK P2, Greipstad/Eidsåvegen (va) F202 ______2_ 734km
88.4 1749 E Cadena 100, Santander (CNT-S) Jingle ID between pops 1119km **
91.4 1755 F France Culture, Angers/Rochefort-sur-Loire (49) Echoey YL, as web 650km
89.1 1821 NOR NRK P2, Halden 1/Høyåsmasten (of) Minimalist operatics, as web 958km **
94.8 1840 NOR NRK P1, Halden 1/Høyåsmasten (of) Norwegian song, as web 958km **
106.1 1841 NOR P4 R Hele Norge, Halden 1/Høyåsmasten (of) ID between pop songs 958km
87.7 2019 S SR P1, Halmstad/Oskarström-Slättåkra TM (ha) OM talking, as web 900km
91.2 2021 S SR P2, Halmstad/Oskarström-Slättåkra TM (ha) Swedish pop, as web 900km
92.7 2024 S SR P1, Bäckefors (Mellerud)/Grönehög TM (vg) US pop song, as web 969km **
96.8 2028 S SR P2, Bäckefors (Mellerud)/Grönehög TM (vg) Classical music, as web 969km
99.1 2031 S SR P3, Bäckefors (Mellerud)/Grönehög TM (vg) Doom metal, as web 969km
94.4 2059 E RNE Radio 3, Gamoniteiro (AST-O) Drone rock 1199km **
97.5 2102 F France Musique, Limoges/les Cars (87) Vweak, OM, as web 835km **
98.0 2104 E Cadena 100, San Sebastián=Donostia/Monte Ulía (PVA-SS) Spanish pops, as web 1105km **
94.7 2135 E Gaztea, Bilbao=Bilbo/Ganeta (PVA-BI) E303 GAZTEA__ 1130km **
93.6 2200 S Religious(?) unid, Top of the hour ID. Not in // with stream
95.1 2213 S SR P2, Skövde/Billingen TM (vg) V weak piano concerto, as 96.8 1024km
91.7 2255 E Radio Euskadi, Bilbao=Bilbo/Ganeta (PVA-BI) OM and English song, as web 1130km **
** Personal Skegness 'First'
Wow! This has turned into a non-stop DX-fest! Some excellent ducting throughout the day with surprisingly good signals from Spain, even over into the Galicia region. Strongest station has been Gaztea from Bilbao on 94.7 with three bars and RDS on the XDR. Scandinavia came in too, plus there were some auroral Es very late into the night which I will include with tomorrow's log. Also low power Breton stations came in during the early hours.
More please!
105.0 RNE5, Lierganes 1135 06-07-13
91.2 Gaztea, Monte Oiz 0940 06-07-13
88.2 SER Vitoria, Zaldiaran 0930 06-07-13
101.0 Tendence Ouest, Saint Lo 1010 06-07-13
88.0 Radio Nervion, Bilbao 0949 06-07-13
88.9 Euskadi Irratia, Bilbao 0819 06-07-13
87.7 Euskadi Irratia, Azkoitia 0814 06-07-13
106.1 P4 Hele Norge, Halden 1841 06-07-13
88.4 Cadena Dial, Santander 1749 06-07-13
91.2 Gaztea, Monte Oiz 2127 06-07-13
Good DX!
John Faulkner, Skegness, Lincolnshire (JO03dd) 1.7m (5'9") ASL. Ref. Google Altitude Maps
Personal All Time VHF Logbooks:
VHF Band 2 DX Recordings:
Sony XDR-F1HD (tropospheric)
Kenwood KT6040 (sporadic E & meteor scatter)
Icom IC7000 (OIRT)
Conrad RDS Manager
Rooftop Körner 9.2, 8m AGL
Yaesu G-5500 azimuthal/elevation rotator
RDS Spy v1.00r2
87.7 0814 E Euskadi Irratia, Azkoitia (PVA-SS) YL with phone in, as web stream 1129km
88.9 0819 E Euskadi Irratia, Bilbao=Bilbo/Ganeta (PVA-BI) Phone in, as 87.7 1130km **
88.0 0831 E Radio Nervión, Bilbao=Bilbo/Ganeta (PVA-BI) Vocal ID after Spanish music. 1130km **
87.9 0843 F France Culture, Parthenay/les Chateliers (79) Vweak against v weak Alencon 88.0 712km
97.8 0857 E COPE, Bilbao=Bilbo/Ganguren (PVA-BI) ID and ads. Fighting against Breast 1124km **
94.2 0910 G Signal Radio, Oxford pirate? ID and mention of Oxford listeners **
95.0 0924 E Euskadi Irratia, Zaldiaran (PVA-VI) OM YL, as web 1173km **
88.2 0930 E SER, Zaldiaran (PVA-VI) ID on the half hour 1173km **
90.4 0938 F France Inter, Clermont-Ferrand/Puy-de-Dôme (63) Vocal ID after slow French song 842km
91.2 0940 E Gaztea, Monte Oiz (PVA-BI) ID and pops, as web stream. Weak and scratchy 1124km **
101.0 1010 F Tendance Ouest, Saint-Lô/les Romains (50) Vocal ID in promos. Jingle ID 456km
102.9 1014 E RNE Radio 3, Liérganes/Peña Cabarga (CNT-S) OMs and guitar track, as web 1128km
104.8 1016 E Radio Euskadi, Gorramendi (NAV-NA) Live sports commentary, as web 1112km **
105.0 1017 E RNE Radio 5, Liérganes/Peña Cabarga (CNT-S) Live sports commentary, as web 1128km
87.8 1027 F Radio Courtoisie, Cherbourg-Octeville (50) OM talk, v weak, as web 414km
91.6 1052 E RNE Radio Clásica, Culleredo/Monte Xalo (GAL-C) Church organ music, as web. V weak 1276km
96.9 1124 E RNE Radio Nacional, Liérganes/Peña Cabarga (CNT-S) Talking about salads, as web. Briefly over Heart 1128km
98.5 1128 E Kiss FM, Santander (CNT-S) Vocal and jingle ID. Spanish pops 1129km
88.3 1205 NOR NRK P2, Lyngdal (va) Unusual music, as web 697km
98.7 1206 NOR NRK P2, Bjerkreim/Urdalsnippa (ro) Unusual music, as web 703km
97.6 1210 NOR NRK P1, Lyngdal (va) Chillout music and YL, as web 697km
87.8 1527 NOR NRK P1, Hovdefjell (aa) Norwegian OM clearing his throat, as web 806km
90.2 1530 DNK DR P1/DR P2, Holstebro - Mejrup/Kalsgårdvej 11 (mjy) OM on phone, as web 645km
90.8 1530 DNK DR P1/DR P2, København-Gladsaxe/Isbanevej 4 (hvs) OM on phone, as 90.2 837km
92.5 1532 NOR NRK P2, Greipstad/Eidsåvegen (va) F202 ______2_ 734km
88.4 1749 E Cadena 100, Santander (CNT-S) Jingle ID between pops 1119km **
91.4 1755 F France Culture, Angers/Rochefort-sur-Loire (49) Echoey YL, as web 650km
89.1 1821 NOR NRK P2, Halden 1/Høyåsmasten (of) Minimalist operatics, as web 958km **
94.8 1840 NOR NRK P1, Halden 1/Høyåsmasten (of) Norwegian song, as web 958km **
106.1 1841 NOR P4 R Hele Norge, Halden 1/Høyåsmasten (of) ID between pop songs 958km
87.7 2019 S SR P1, Halmstad/Oskarström-Slättåkra TM (ha) OM talking, as web 900km
91.2 2021 S SR P2, Halmstad/Oskarström-Slättåkra TM (ha) Swedish pop, as web 900km
92.7 2024 S SR P1, Bäckefors (Mellerud)/Grönehög TM (vg) US pop song, as web 969km **
96.8 2028 S SR P2, Bäckefors (Mellerud)/Grönehög TM (vg) Classical music, as web 969km
99.1 2031 S SR P3, Bäckefors (Mellerud)/Grönehög TM (vg) Doom metal, as web 969km
94.4 2059 E RNE Radio 3, Gamoniteiro (AST-O) Drone rock 1199km **
97.5 2102 F France Musique, Limoges/les Cars (87) Vweak, OM, as web 835km **
98.0 2104 E Cadena 100, San Sebastián=Donostia/Monte Ulía (PVA-SS) Spanish pops, as web 1105km **
94.7 2135 E Gaztea, Bilbao=Bilbo/Ganeta (PVA-BI) E303 GAZTEA__ 1130km **
93.6 2200 S Religious(?) unid, Top of the hour ID. Not in // with stream
95.1 2213 S SR P2, Skövde/Billingen TM (vg) V weak piano concerto, as 96.8 1024km
91.7 2255 E Radio Euskadi, Bilbao=Bilbo/Ganeta (PVA-BI) OM and English song, as web 1130km **
** Personal Skegness 'First'
Wow! This has turned into a non-stop DX-fest! Some excellent ducting throughout the day with surprisingly good signals from Spain, even over into the Galicia region. Strongest station has been Gaztea from Bilbao on 94.7 with three bars and RDS on the XDR. Scandinavia came in too, plus there were some auroral Es very late into the night which I will include with tomorrow's log. Also low power Breton stations came in during the early hours.
More please!
105.0 RNE5, Lierganes 1135 06-07-13
91.2 Gaztea, Monte Oiz 0940 06-07-13
88.2 SER Vitoria, Zaldiaran 0930 06-07-13
101.0 Tendence Ouest, Saint Lo 1010 06-07-13
88.0 Radio Nervion, Bilbao 0949 06-07-13
88.9 Euskadi Irratia, Bilbao 0819 06-07-13
87.7 Euskadi Irratia, Azkoitia 0814 06-07-13
106.1 P4 Hele Norge, Halden 1841 06-07-13
88.4 Cadena Dial, Santander 1749 06-07-13
91.2 Gaztea, Monte Oiz 2127 06-07-13
Good DX!
John Faulkner, Skegness, Lincolnshire (JO03dd) 1.7m (5'9") ASL. Ref. Google Altitude Maps
Personal All Time VHF Logbooks:
VHF Band 2 DX Recordings:
Sony XDR-F1HD (tropospheric)
Kenwood KT6040 (sporadic E & meteor scatter)
Icom IC7000 (OIRT)
Conrad RDS Manager
Rooftop Körner 9.2, 8m AGL
Yaesu G-5500 azimuthal/elevation rotator
RDS Spy v1.00r2
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