Tropospheric Log:
105.0 1818 E RNE Radio 5, Liérganes/Peña Cabarga (CNT-S) OM news
and interviews, as web 1128km
105.9 1845 G Sunshine Radio, Ludlow Ludlow adverts **
87.9 1851 F France Inter, Toulouse/Pic du Midi (65) OMs talking
over music, as web. V v weak 1136km
102.9 1921 E RNE Radio 3, Liérganes/Peña Cabarga (CNT-S) Rock
and roll classic, as web 1128km
102.0 1952 F Sud Radio, Toulouse/Pic du Midi (65) Difficult to
get rid of co-channel Touch FM. Duran Duran, as web 1136km
96.1 2023 F France Culture, Bayonne/la Rhune (64) OM and YL, as
web 1104km **
87.7 2049 E Euskadi Irratia, Azkoitia (PVA-SS) Sombre song, as
web 1129km **
91.1 2233 F France Musique, Niort/Maisonnay (79) OM talking
slowly, as web 774km
91.5 2234 F France Musique, Toulouse/Pic du Midi (65) OM, as
91.1 1136km
92.2 2237 F France Musique, Tours/Chissay [41] (37) Classical,
as others 646km
105.0 2238 F France Bleu Touraine, Tours/Chissay [41] (37) Bee
Gees song, as 94.7 646km
93.2 2242 F France Inter, Angers/Rochefort-sur-Loire (49) OM on
phone, as web 650km
96.4 2248 F France Culture, Niort/Maisonnay (79) Echoey OM, as
98.0 774km
99.4 2249 F France Inter, Niort/Maisonnay (79) Discussion about
Ivor Novello, as web 774km
105.5 2259 G Swindon 105.5, Swindon/Football Stadium (EN-WLT)
Pops, news and 20s music, as web. faded for toh ID though 226km
Sporadic E Log:
87.7 0918 I Radio Venere (Puglia), Specchia (le) 5D4A 2000km
87.8 0923 I Ritmo 80, Corato/Monte Ripanno (ba) 5772 RITMO_80.
New PI! 1796km
88.3 0924 I RDS - Radio Dimensione Suono, Cassano delle Murge
(ba) 5264 1841km
88.6 0925 E IB 3 Ràdio, Es Mercadal/El Toro (BAL-MN) E2A0
IB3RADIO 1492km
88.7 0926 ALG Radio Soummam, Akfadou (6) Presume. Arabic OMs
91.8 0926 ALG Chaîne 2, Akfadou (6) Presume with phone in 1867km
87.7 0937 I Radio Potenza Centrale, Spinoso/Serra di Spinoso
(pz) 530B RPZC__TR 1858km
87.9 0940 I Virgin Radio, Fortino di Pentimele (rc) 5241
_VIRGIN_ 2043km
88.3 0941 F France Inter, Carcassonne/Pic de Nore (11) F201
__INTER_ 1093km **
87.7 0942 F RCF, Limoux/Girbes de Bacou (11) F851 RCF_AUDE
1137km **
87.9 0942 E RNE Radio Clásica, Bunyola/Alfabia (BAL-ML) E212
RNE-CLAS 1503km
89.9 0944 I m2o, Curinga/Monte Contessa (cz) 5233 _M_DUE_O
90.3 0945 E La Xarxa, Vic/Els Munts (CAT-B) E015 _9VIDI__
87.7 0946 E RAC 1, Barcelona/Collserola (CAT-B) E251 _RAC1___
87.8 0946 I Radio Kiss Kiss, Vibo Valentia (vv) 5225 2011km **
87.7 0948 E RNE Radio Nacional, Vimianzo/Monte Sangre (GAL-C)
E211 RNE_1___ 1311km
90.1 0951 E RNE Radio Nacional, Bunyola/Alfabia (BAL-ML) E211
RN______ 1503km **
91.6 0953 E El Prat Ràdio, El Prat de Llobregat (CAT-B) E0C3
EL_PRAT_ 1321km **
88.0 0954 E Radio Sant Esteve, Sant Esteve Sesrovire (CAT-B)
7012 SENTITS_ _RADIO__ __SANT__ _ESTEVE_ 1301km
89.3 0959 F RCF, Castres/Puech Auriol (81) F851 RC______
1065km **
87.8 1005 E Catalunya Música, Calonge/Mas Nou (CAT-GI) Vocal
ID 1275km **
87.8 1013 F France Culture, Prades/Pic de Baou (66) F202
1176km **
87.9 1014 E RNE Radio Clásica, Bunyola/Alfabia (BAL-ML) E212
RN__CL__ 1503km
87.7 1021 E Radio Nova, Rojales/Ciudad Quesada (VAL-A) E682
_Radio__ __Nova__ 1677km
87.7 1025 E Radio Torre-Pacheco, Torre-Pacheco (MUR-MU) E079
Mentioned Torre Pacheco 1717km
87.8 1025 E Si Ràdio, Torrent/Perentxissa=Calicanto (VAL-V)
E504 SI_RADIO 1527km
88.4 1033 ALG Chaîne 2, Nador (13) Presume. Chaine 2 web stream
not working today 2045km
88.1 1045 E Onda Cero, Chinchilla de Monte Aragón (CAM-AB) E2EE
87.7 1046 E Europa FM, Chinchilla de Monte Aragón (CAM-AB) E2ED
87.6 1130 TUN RTT Radio Tataouine, Zarzis (med) 7205 TATAOUIN
88.0 1454 I Radio 105 Network, Alcamo/Monte Bonifato (tp) 5211
_105_FM_ 1950km
87.6 1455 I Virgin Radio, Monte Erice vetta/Piana delle Forche
(tp) 5241 1927km
89.0 1457 I RAI Radio1, Alcamo/Monte Bonifato (RAI) (tp) 5201
__RAI___ 1950km **
89.5 1457 I RTL 102.5, Cammarata/Monte Cammarata (ag) 5218
RTL102.5 2008km
90.1 1457 I RDS - Radio Dimensione Suono, Cammarata/Monte
Cammarata (ag) 5264 *_RDS_*_ 2008km
90.3 1458 I RAI GR Parlamento, Palermo/Monte Pellegrino (RAI)
(pa) 5206 RAI-GRPR 1944km
91.1 1459 I RAI Radio1, Cammarata/Monte Cammarata (RAI) (ag)
5201 __RAI___ _RADIO1_ 2007km
92.3 1459 I Virgin Radio, Alcamo/Monte Bonifato (tp) 5241
_VIRGIN_ 1950km
93.9 1500 I Radio Maria, Alcamo/Monte Bonifato (tp) Religious
ramblings 1950km
91.5 1505 I Radio Amica Stereo, Partinico/Monte Gradara (pa)
5045 1949km
92.2 1505 I Radio Deejay, Cammarata/Monte Cammarata (ag) Vocal
ID 2008km
87.6 1507 I RDS - Radio Dimensione Suono, Piombino/Via Silvio
Mina-Il Poggetto (li) 5264 1365km **
90.1 1517 I Babboleo Suono, Ruta di Camogli/Villa Le Ginestre
(ge) 5079 1173km **
90.4 1520 I Radio Deejay, Monte Argentario (gr) 5214 _DEEJAY_
89.4 1522 I RAI Radio3, Marciana/Monte Perone (li) 5203 1369km
89.5 1524 I Radio Mater, Monte Argentario (gr) 5158 R._MATER
91.7 1526 I Radio Bruno, Talamello/Monte Pincio (rn) 534D
88.1 1531 I Radio Punto (San Vittore Olona), San Vittore
Olona/Via Giuseppe Verdi, 5-Campanile chiesa (mi) 50D2 R._PUNTO
1046km **
88.6 1532 I Radio Radicale, Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo (rm) 5210
90.3 1533 I Radio Deejay, Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo (rm) 5214
87.6 1539 I RAI Radio1, Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta (RAI)
(rm) 5201 _RADIO1_ 1568km
87.9 2058 E SER Radio Morón, Morón de la Frontera (AND-SE)
Local ID. Ful RDS on teh XDR 1838km
** Personal Skegness 'First'
A very interesting lift to begin the day with three directions
coming in at the same time, producing simultaneous reception of
Galicia, Ibiza, Catalunya, Languedoc-Roussillon and Sicily! Did I
mention Algeria and tunisia too? The Balkans tried to come in
shortly after this but signals were very weak, short-lived and
nothing was identified from there.
During the evening I was pleasantly surprised to find tropospheric
conditions to northern Spain and south-western France, throwing up a
few personal firsts. Then the Es returned, partly blocking out the
Apart from getting the Toulouse transmitter with full RDS - two bars
on the XDR, another highlight for me was the reception of Swindon
FC's 25 watt outlet on 105.5! I have written to the station to let
them know I was listening to them on the Lincolnshire coast.
105.0 RNE5, Lierganes 1930 03-07-13
102.0 Sud Radio. Toulouse 1942 03-07-13
87.9 France Inter, Toulouse 2158 03-07-13
Sporadic E:
90.4 Radio Deejay, Monte Argentario 1520 03-07-13
87.6 Radio Dimensione Suono (RDS), Piombino 1507 03-07-13
91.5 Radio Amica Stereo, Partinico 1505 03-07-13
92.3 Virgin Radio, Alcamo 1459 03-07-13
87.9 Radio 101, Cammarata 1455 03-07-13
Good DX!
John, Skegness, Lincolnshire (JO03dd) 1.7m (5'9") ASL. Ref.
Google Altitude Maps
Personal All Time VHF Logbooks:
VHF Band 2 DX Recordings:
Sony XDR-F1HD (tropospheric)
Kenwood KT6040 (sporadic E & meteor scatter)
Icom IC7000 (OIRT)
Conrad RDS Manager
Rooftop Körner 9.2, 8m AGL
Yaesu G-5500 azimuthal/elevation rotator
RDS Spy v1.00r2
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