Band 2 Tropospheric:
89.3 1736 D bremen eins, Schiffdorf [nds] (Bremerhaven) (bre) Bruno Mars song, as web 554km **
96.3 1739 D NDR 2, Heide/Welmbüttel (shs) Pops, as web 599km
90.5 1804 D NDR 1 Welle Nord, Heide/Welmbüttel (shs) YL over music, as web 599km
92.8 1806 D NDR 1 Niedersachsen, Lingen-Damaschke (nds) Medeival sounding music, as web 477km
100.4 1809 D delta radio, Heide/Welmbüttel (shs) Rock music, as web 599km
102.0 1811 D Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Lingen-Damaschke (nds) OM, as web 477km
103.8 1812 D R.SH, Heide/Welmbüttel (shs) Rock track, as web 599km
104.3 1815 D Energy Bremen, Schiffdorf [nds] (Bremerhaven) (bre) You mother effer jingle!! Ouch! 554km
107.7 1855 D Deutschlandradio Kultur, Cuxhaven/Otterndorf (nds) Strange farmyard animal noises classical music 571km
89.2 1906 D NDR 2, Osnabrück/Schleptruper Egge (nds) Rock music, as web 526km
92.0 1908 D WDR 5, Münster/Baumberg (nrw) OM, as web 494km
93.3 1911 D WDR 2, Kleve/Bresserberg (nrw) Bryan Adams song, as web 421km
97.3 1912 D WDR 3, Kleve/Bresserberg (nrw) Classical music, as web 421km
100.0 1913 D WDR 4, Münster/Baumberg (nrw) Classical piece, as web 494km
105.9 1919 D Hit-R. Antenne Niedersachsen, Osnabrück/Schleptruper Egge (nds) Pops, as web 526km
107.4 1920 D delta radio, Kaltenkirchen (shs) ID and promo, as web 647km
88.3 1928 D Nordwestradio, Bremen-Walle (bre) Classical music, as web 565km
Band 2 Sporadic E:
88.2 2042 FIN YLE Radio Yksi, Lapua - Lappo/Simpsiö-Mastiontie (ep) 6201 YLE_YKSI 1705km
87.9 2044 S SR P1, Östersund/Brattåsen TM (jm) E201 OM as 90.6 1383km **
90.6 2044 S SR P1, Älvsbyn/Brännberget TM (no) E201 1812km **
88.9 2045 S SR P1, Överkalix/Grelsbyberget TM (no) E201 1911km **
89.4 2046 S SR P1, Arvidsjaur/Akkanålke TM (no) OM, as others 1723km
91.7 2047 S SR P2, Överkalix/Grelsbyberget TM (no) Classical, as web 1911km **
92.9 2048 S SR P1, Lycksele/Knaften-Rålidsberget TM (vb) OM YL, as others 1629km
92.2 2051 FIN YLE Radio Yksi, Kolari/Ylläs-Tunturintie 84 (la) Classical, as web 2046km
94.2 2051 S SR P2, Arvidsjaur/Akkanålke TM (no) E402 Classical, as web 1723km
94.7 2052 S SR P2, Tåsjö/Hoting-Tåsjöberget TM (jm) As others 1519km **
98.1 2053 FIN YLE Radio Suomi, Kolari/Ylläs-Tunturintie 84 (la) Vocal ID 2046km **
100.2 2053 S SR P4, Visby/Follingbo TM (go) E224 1238km **
100.7 2054 FIN YLE Puhe, Joutseno/Pappilankangas-Valtatie no 6 (ek) 6207 YLE_PUHE 1899km **
103.8 2055 FIN YLE Sámi Radio, Kolari/Ylläs-Tunturintie 84 (la) 6206 YLESAAME 2046km **
87.6 2059 S SR P1, Visby/Follingbo TM (go) E201 1238km **
88.3 2059 S SR P1, Västervik/Fårhult TM (ka) E201 SR_P1___ 1132km
93.0 2101 S SR P2, Pajala/Jupukka TM (no) E402 1993km **
95.3 2101 FIN YleX, Kolari/Ylläs-Tunturintie 84 (la) 6202 __YLEX__ 2046km **
95.9 2102 S SR P3, Pajala/Jupukka TM (no) E203 1993km **
96.4 2102 S SR P3, Kiruna/Kirunavaara TM (no) News, as 95.9 1943km
98.5 2103 S SR P3, Gällivare/Dundret RM (no) E203 ___p____ 1896km **
97.1 2104 S SR P3, Arvidsjaur/Akkanålke TM (no) E203 1723km **
90.8 2105 S SR P1, Pajala/Jupukka TM (no) E201 SR_P1___ 1993km **
91.2 2105 S SR P2, Storuman/Norrberg TM (vb) E402 1619km
105.2 2108 S Mix Megapol, Gällivare/Dundret RM (no) Pops, as web 1896km
91.8 2110 S SR P1, Arjeplog/Galtispuoda TM (no) YLs, as web 1736km **
94.9 2112 S SR P2, Gällivare/Dundret RM (no) E402 Goodbye Belmont! 1896km
92.7 2113 S SR P2, Kiruna/Kirunavaara TM (no) E402 SR_P2___ 1943km
89.1 2114 S SR P1, Kiruna/Kirunavaara TM (no) YL, as web 1943km
102.7 2115 S SR P4, Kiruna/Kirunavaara TM (no) Phone caller, as web 1943km **
91.9 2121 NOR NRK P1, Grong/Geitfjellet (nt) E201 _NRK_P1_ 1423km **
88.9 2123 NOR NRK Petre, Grong/Geitfjellet (nt) OM interview, as web 1423km
95.5 2126 NOR NRK P1, Kappfjell (no) E201 Light pops, as web 1538km **
93.4 2127 NOR NRK Petre, Kappfjell (no) The Rap Show, as web 1538km **
99.4 2127 NOR NRK P2, Kappfjell (no) YL interview, as web 1538km **
103.4 2128 NOR Radio Norge, Kappfjell (no) Ppps and OM, as web 1538km **
104.2 2129 NOR Radio Norge, Hemnes/Vettahaugen (no) Vocal ID after ads 1628km **
102.8 2131 NOR Radio Norge, Vega (no) As others 1530km **
99.8 2132 NOR NRK P2, Hemnes/Vettahaugen (no) OM, as web 1628km **
100.4 2132 NOR Radio Norge, Salten/Klettkovfjell (Skjerstad) (no) As others 1749km **
98.6 2133 NOR P4 R Hele Norge, Hemnes/Vettahaugen (no) F214 1628km **
97.8 2135 NOR NRK Sápmi / NRK P2, Steigen (no) F202 _NRK_P2_ 1809km **
98.2 2135 NOR NRK Petre, Vega (no) National rap show, as web 1530km **
95.2 2138 NOR NRK P2, Vega (no) F202 _NRK_P2_ 1530km **
95.7 2138 NOR NRK Sápmi / NRK P2, Kistefjell (tr) YL conversation, as web 2015km **
92.4 2142 NOR NRK P1, Hadsel/Storheia (no) F201 1873km **
93.9 2144 NOR NRK Petre, Steigen (no) F203 _NRK_P3_ 1809km **
94.5 2145 NOR NRK Petre, Hadsel/Storheia (no) F213 1873km **
90.3 2146 NOR NRK P1, Steigen (no) Light pops, as web 1809km **
** Personal Skegness 'First'
This Scandinavian opening was yet another pleasant surprise of the season. I was searching for tropo, not expecting any Es, but while looking for Denmark I noticed Finland was coming in at the bottom of the band. Then the opening got closer, travelling westward over Sweden and Norway. It was an opening of mostly higher powered outlets and managed to spread up to 105.2. Definitely the best Scandinavian Es I have ever experienced! I finally received the Aaland Islands for the first time ever too!
Back to the tropo now, what little there is left. It's fading away quite rapidly now.
Good DX!
John, Skegness, Lincolnshire (JO03dd) 1.7m (5'9") ASL. Ref. Google Altitude Maps
Personal All Time VHF Logbooks:
VHF Band 2 DX Recordings:
Sony XDR-F1HD (tropospheric)
Kenwood KT6040 (sporadic E & meteor scatter)
Icom IC7000 (OIRT)
Conrad RDS Manager
Rooftop Körner 9.2, 8m AGL
Yaesu G-5500 azimuthal/elevation rotator
RDS Spy v0.99
89.3 1736 D bremen eins, Schiffdorf [nds] (Bremerhaven) (bre) Bruno Mars song, as web 554km **
96.3 1739 D NDR 2, Heide/Welmbüttel (shs) Pops, as web 599km
90.5 1804 D NDR 1 Welle Nord, Heide/Welmbüttel (shs) YL over music, as web 599km
92.8 1806 D NDR 1 Niedersachsen, Lingen-Damaschke (nds) Medeival sounding music, as web 477km
100.4 1809 D delta radio, Heide/Welmbüttel (shs) Rock music, as web 599km
102.0 1811 D Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Lingen-Damaschke (nds) OM, as web 477km
103.8 1812 D R.SH, Heide/Welmbüttel (shs) Rock track, as web 599km
104.3 1815 D Energy Bremen, Schiffdorf [nds] (Bremerhaven) (bre) You mother effer jingle!! Ouch! 554km
107.7 1855 D Deutschlandradio Kultur, Cuxhaven/Otterndorf (nds) Strange farmyard animal noises classical music 571km
89.2 1906 D NDR 2, Osnabrück/Schleptruper Egge (nds) Rock music, as web 526km
92.0 1908 D WDR 5, Münster/Baumberg (nrw) OM, as web 494km
93.3 1911 D WDR 2, Kleve/Bresserberg (nrw) Bryan Adams song, as web 421km
97.3 1912 D WDR 3, Kleve/Bresserberg (nrw) Classical music, as web 421km
100.0 1913 D WDR 4, Münster/Baumberg (nrw) Classical piece, as web 494km
105.9 1919 D Hit-R. Antenne Niedersachsen, Osnabrück/Schleptruper Egge (nds) Pops, as web 526km
107.4 1920 D delta radio, Kaltenkirchen (shs) ID and promo, as web 647km
88.3 1928 D Nordwestradio, Bremen-Walle (bre) Classical music, as web 565km
Band 2 Sporadic E:
88.2 2042 FIN YLE Radio Yksi, Lapua - Lappo/Simpsiö-Mastiontie (ep) 6201 YLE_YKSI 1705km
87.9 2044 S SR P1, Östersund/Brattåsen TM (jm) E201 OM as 90.6 1383km **
90.6 2044 S SR P1, Älvsbyn/Brännberget TM (no) E201 1812km **
88.9 2045 S SR P1, Överkalix/Grelsbyberget TM (no) E201 1911km **
89.4 2046 S SR P1, Arvidsjaur/Akkanålke TM (no) OM, as others 1723km
91.7 2047 S SR P2, Överkalix/Grelsbyberget TM (no) Classical, as web 1911km **
92.9 2048 S SR P1, Lycksele/Knaften-Rålidsberget TM (vb) OM YL, as others 1629km
92.2 2051 FIN YLE Radio Yksi, Kolari/Ylläs-Tunturintie 84 (la) Classical, as web 2046km
94.2 2051 S SR P2, Arvidsjaur/Akkanålke TM (no) E402 Classical, as web 1723km
94.7 2052 S SR P2, Tåsjö/Hoting-Tåsjöberget TM (jm) As others 1519km **
98.1 2053 FIN YLE Radio Suomi, Kolari/Ylläs-Tunturintie 84 (la) Vocal ID 2046km **
100.2 2053 S SR P4, Visby/Follingbo TM (go) E224 1238km **
100.7 2054 FIN YLE Puhe, Joutseno/Pappilankangas-Valtatie no 6 (ek) 6207 YLE_PUHE 1899km **
103.8 2055 FIN YLE Sámi Radio, Kolari/Ylläs-Tunturintie 84 (la) 6206 YLESAAME 2046km **
87.6 2059 S SR P1, Visby/Follingbo TM (go) E201 1238km **
88.3 2059 S SR P1, Västervik/Fårhult TM (ka) E201 SR_P1___ 1132km
93.0 2101 S SR P2, Pajala/Jupukka TM (no) E402 1993km **
95.3 2101 FIN YleX, Kolari/Ylläs-Tunturintie 84 (la) 6202 __YLEX__ 2046km **
95.9 2102 S SR P3, Pajala/Jupukka TM (no) E203 1993km **
96.4 2102 S SR P3, Kiruna/Kirunavaara TM (no) News, as 95.9 1943km
98.5 2103 S SR P3, Gällivare/Dundret RM (no) E203 ___p____ 1896km **
97.1 2104 S SR P3, Arvidsjaur/Akkanålke TM (no) E203 1723km **
90.8 2105 S SR P1, Pajala/Jupukka TM (no) E201 SR_P1___ 1993km **
91.2 2105 S SR P2, Storuman/Norrberg TM (vb) E402 1619km
105.2 2108 S Mix Megapol, Gällivare/Dundret RM (no) Pops, as web 1896km
91.8 2110 S SR P1, Arjeplog/Galtispuoda TM (no) YLs, as web 1736km **
94.9 2112 S SR P2, Gällivare/Dundret RM (no) E402 Goodbye Belmont! 1896km
92.7 2113 S SR P2, Kiruna/Kirunavaara TM (no) E402 SR_P2___ 1943km
89.1 2114 S SR P1, Kiruna/Kirunavaara TM (no) YL, as web 1943km
102.7 2115 S SR P4, Kiruna/Kirunavaara TM (no) Phone caller, as web 1943km **
91.9 2121 NOR NRK P1, Grong/Geitfjellet (nt) E201 _NRK_P1_ 1423km **
88.9 2123 NOR NRK Petre, Grong/Geitfjellet (nt) OM interview, as web 1423km
95.5 2126 NOR NRK P1, Kappfjell (no) E201 Light pops, as web 1538km **
93.4 2127 NOR NRK Petre, Kappfjell (no) The Rap Show, as web 1538km **
99.4 2127 NOR NRK P2, Kappfjell (no) YL interview, as web 1538km **
103.4 2128 NOR Radio Norge, Kappfjell (no) Ppps and OM, as web 1538km **
104.2 2129 NOR Radio Norge, Hemnes/Vettahaugen (no) Vocal ID after ads 1628km **
102.8 2131 NOR Radio Norge, Vega (no) As others 1530km **
99.8 2132 NOR NRK P2, Hemnes/Vettahaugen (no) OM, as web 1628km **
100.4 2132 NOR Radio Norge, Salten/Klettkovfjell (Skjerstad) (no) As others 1749km **
98.6 2133 NOR P4 R Hele Norge, Hemnes/Vettahaugen (no) F214 1628km **
97.8 2135 NOR NRK Sápmi / NRK P2, Steigen (no) F202 _NRK_P2_ 1809km **
98.2 2135 NOR NRK Petre, Vega (no) National rap show, as web 1530km **
95.2 2138 NOR NRK P2, Vega (no) F202 _NRK_P2_ 1530km **
95.7 2138 NOR NRK Sápmi / NRK P2, Kistefjell (tr) YL conversation, as web 2015km **
92.4 2142 NOR NRK P1, Hadsel/Storheia (no) F201 1873km **
93.9 2144 NOR NRK Petre, Steigen (no) F203 _NRK_P3_ 1809km **
94.5 2145 NOR NRK Petre, Hadsel/Storheia (no) F213 1873km **
90.3 2146 NOR NRK P1, Steigen (no) Light pops, as web 1809km **
** Personal Skegness 'First'
This Scandinavian opening was yet another pleasant surprise of the season. I was searching for tropo, not expecting any Es, but while looking for Denmark I noticed Finland was coming in at the bottom of the band. Then the opening got closer, travelling westward over Sweden and Norway. It was an opening of mostly higher powered outlets and managed to spread up to 105.2. Definitely the best Scandinavian Es I have ever experienced! I finally received the Aaland Islands for the first time ever too!
Back to the tropo now, what little there is left. It's fading away quite rapidly now.
Good DX!
John, Skegness, Lincolnshire (JO03dd) 1.7m (5'9") ASL. Ref. Google Altitude Maps
Personal All Time VHF Logbooks:
VHF Band 2 DX Recordings:
Sony XDR-F1HD (tropospheric)
Kenwood KT6040 (sporadic E & meteor scatter)
Icom IC7000 (OIRT)
Conrad RDS Manager
Rooftop Körner 9.2, 8m AGL
Yaesu G-5500 azimuthal/elevation rotator
RDS Spy v0.99
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