
Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Treen Bandscan, Cornwall, September 2012

Cornwall never disappoints! Be it for the spectacular natural beauty of its countryside or for its excellent DX possibilities!

We spent seven days at Treen Farm camp site and experienced a good tropo event between September 13th and 16th.

It was our first visit to the Treen Farm camp site and it immediately became our firm favourite. The Sea View and Lower Treave campsites have also been good for Spanish DX and are worth considering if Treen Farm is full, but there are some big advantages Treen Farm. The location is on a cliff top in the extreme south-west of Cornwall. There are sea views from the south-east to the south-west and there is a spectacular beach immediately below the site with almost white sands and the kind of azure/turquoise seas you expect to see around the Cornish peninsula. At night, the skies are so clear you can easily see the Milky Way above you. It doesn't seem to be the kind of camp site where noise is tolerated too. While children and dogs are allowed, there are notices on the site which state that noise will NOT be tolerated after 10pm!

Now, this is what we heard:

Thursday 13th September 2012

106.5 TSF R Noticias, Muro (vcs)
107.7 R Estrada, Unlisted site
 87.5 RKM R, Santiago De Compostela (GAL-C)
 87.6 OM & YL talk 08:25 
 87.8 Cadena COPE Vigo, Moana (GAL-PO) __COPE__
 88.2 RNE R Clasica, Monte Paramo (GAL-LU) RNE-CLAS
 88.9 Euskadi Irratia, Bilbao (PVA-BL) EUSKADI1
 89.1 Los 40 Principales, Monte Castrove (GAL-PO)
 90.1 RNE R Nacional Galicia, Moana (GAL-PO)
 91.2 RNE R Clasica, Monte Meda (GAL-OU) RNE-CLAS
 91.4 Cadena Dial, Pontevedra (GAL-PO) ___DIAL_ PONTEDRA
 91.6 RNE R Clasica, Culleredo (GAL-C) RNE-CLAS
 92.1 RNE R Clasica, Moana (GAL-PO) RNE-CLAS
 92.2 RNE R Clasica, Gamoniteiro (AST-O)
 92.6 Spain
 92.8 RNE R.5, Monte Paramo (GAL-LU) RNE_5-LU
 93.1 Spanish phone in 20:50
 93.4 Spanish phone in 20:50
 93.7 RNE R.5, Santiago De Compostela (GAL-C) RNE_5-C_
 94.3 RNE R.3, Monte Meda (GAL-OU)
 94.4 RNE R.3, Gamoniteiro (AST-O)
 94.5 RNE R.3, Culleredo (GAL-C) RNE_3___
 94.7 Euskadi Gaztea, Bilbao (PVA-BL) GAZTEA__
 95.6 Cadena SER, Pontevedra (GAL-PO) CAD-SER_ _AROSA__
 95.8 RNE R.5, Culleredo (GAL-C) RNE_5-C_
 96.2 R Galega, Santiago De Compostela (GAL-C)
 96.9 RNE Radio Nacional Cantabria, Lierganes (CNT-S) RNE_1___
 97.1 Cadena COPE, Santiago De Compostela (GAL-C)
 97.2 Spain
 97.4 RNE R.3, Moana (GAL-PO)
 98.1 RNE R Clasica, Santiago De Compostela (GAL-C) RNE-CLAS
 98.7 SER Pontevedra, Pontevedra (GAL-PO) SER_EDRA
 99.0 RNE R.3, Santiago De Compostela (GAL-C) RNE_3___
 99.6 RNE R.3, Monte Paramo (GAL-LU) RNE_3___
100.1 EIRB Irratia, Bilbao (PVA-BL)
100.2 Spain phone in 21:19
100.4 RNE R.1, Culleredo (GAL-C) RNE_1___
100.6 SER Vigo, Moana (GAL-PO) SER-VIGO
100.9 R Galega, Valga (GAL-PO) R.GALEGA
101.7 RNE Radio Nacional Galicia, Monte Paramo (GAL-LU) RNE_1___
102.1 R Obradoiro Santiago, Santiago De Compostela (GAL-C) OBRAOIRO
102.3 R Galega, Moana (GAL-PO) (Presumed)
102.5 RNE Radio Nacional Asturias, Gamoniteiro (AST-O) RNE_1___
102.6 Bizkaia Irratia, Bilbao (PVA-BL) BIZKAIAI
102.8 RNE Radio Nacional Galicia, Mone Meda (GAL-LU)
103.2 Spain
103.4 R Renascenca, Muro (vcs)
102.0 Sud R, Toulouse (65) SUDRADIO
103.7 ABC Punto Radio, Bilbao (PVA-BL) PUNTO_R.
104.2 RNE R.3, Xistral (GAL-LU)
104.4 RNE R.5, Gamoniteiro (AST-O) RNE5-AST
104.8 R Galega, Monte Meda (GAL-OU)
105.0 RNE R.5, Lierganes (CNT-S) RNE_5-S_
105.3 RNE R Clasica, Monte Oiz (PVA-BL)
105.3 TSF R Noticias, Valongo (prt)
105.7 TSF R Noticias, Valenca Do Minho (vcs) _T_S_F__
106.4 R Del Principado Del Asturias, Gamoniteiro (AST-O) RPA_FM__
106.6 RNE R.5, Xistral (GAL-LU)
106.8 RNE R.5, Monte Meda (GAL-OU) RNE_5-OU
106.9 Spain
107.6 Spain
107.9 Spain
 94.6 RDP Antena 2, Muro (vcs)
 88.0 R Galega Musica, Valga (GAL-PO)
107.9 Radio Lider, Pontevedra (GAL-PO)
106.1 Radio Voz Compostela, Santiago De Compostela (GAL-C)
 89.5 Spain
 88.4 Cadena Cien, Unidentified site CAD-100_
 90.2 Spain
103.1 R Nacional Galicia, Santiago De Compostela (GAL-C) RNE_1___
103.5 Spain
103.6 Cadena 100, Gijon (AST-O)
104.1 Los 40 Principales / Exitos IDs
103.4 Spain OM talk over jazz, then soul music 23:41
107.8 Valle De Buelna FM, Los Corrales De Buelna (CNT-S)
107.6 Spanish pops 22:47
101.1 Onda Cero, Cangas Del Narcea (AST-O)
 95.7 RNE R.5, Navarra (NAV-NA)
 97.1 Spain OM 22:54
 97.5 Kiss FM, Lugo (GAL-LU)
 97.6 Spain OM 22:54
 97.9 RNE R Clasica, Riano De Ibio (CNT-S)
 99.5 Spain OM 22:59
 90.5 Spain OM 22:59

Friday 14th September 2012

 99.8 Spain OM 01:25
101.4 R Del Principado De Asturias, Aviles (AST-O) _RPA_FM_
102.9 RNE R.3, Lierganes (CNT-S)
103.4 RNE R.3, Riano De Ibio (CNT-S) RNE_3___
104.6 Spain OM & YL phone in 01:32
105.6 ABC Punto R, Lierganes (CNT-S)
107.1 Spain OM & YL 01:39
 88.5 RNE R Clasica, Hornos De Moncalvillo (RIO-LO)
 94.6 RNE R.3, Hornos De Moncalvillo (RIO-LO)
103.3 RNE R.5, Hornos De Moncalvillo (RIO-LO)
 87.5 Loca FM, Oviedo (AST-O)
 96.5 SER Gijon, Gijon (AST-O) __SER___
 98.5 Kiss FM, Santander (CNT-S)
 91.7 R Euskadi 2, Bilbao (PVA-BL) EUSKADI2
102.4 Spain YL over classical music 23:54
 96.3 Spain OM & YL talk over classical music 23:57
 97.5 RNE R Clasica, Medinaceli (CAL-SO)
100.5 France Bleu Gascogne, Bayonne (64) BLEUGASC
101.4 Spain OM talk mixing Gamoniteiro

Saturday 15th September 2012

102.4 Spain Lively OM talk 00:04
 93.9 Spain OM talk 08:15
 87.7 Cadena Dial, Santander (CNT-S)
 88.0 R Nervion, Bilbao (PVA-BL) RNERVION
106.1 R Nacional, Monreal (NAV-NA) RNE_1___
105.4 Spain OMs discussion 08:32
100.3 RNE R.5, Cangas De Onis (AST-O)
 93.5 Spain Phone in 08:49
107.5 Spain Mexican/Latin music 08:50
106.7 Spain YL phone in 09:03
104.0 Spain OMs discussion 09:05
 92.7 R 7 Barakaldo, Bilbao (PVA-BL)
 94.8 Spain phone in 22:43
 98.2 Spain OM lively talk 22:48
 99.2 Spain OM talk 22:49
100.7 Spain Panel show 22:52
101.5 Onda Cero, Bilbao (PVA-BL) __DA____
 88.5 Hit FM, Aviles (AST-O)
 91.8 Hit FM, Gijon (AST-O)
106.5 Formula Hit A Coruna, Carballo (GAL-C) Tentative. Dance music & ID "Hit Music Radio Sol" 23:30

Sunday 16th September 2012

104.8 Kiss FM, Aviles (AST-O)


Even when conditions are flat on the Land's End peninsula, Spanish stations always seem to be audible on band 2. But if you take your radios to the Land's End car park, Spanish reception is considerably better! We obtained permission to erect a beam at the Land's End cliff top car park during the evening - something we never actually did in the end, but it's there for next time. Now THAT should be VERY interesting indeed!


  1. excellent work,
    and some useful tips in there for my next Welsh adventure in may 2013, wx permitting!

    1. Thanks Tim. Good luck with that. The Lleyn is an excellent QTH for tropo down to Iberia (as we both know ;O) I noted every Spanish station I heard, just for the record. It might be possible to guess some of the unidentifieds but I'd rather hear a proper ID. The problem with Spanish FM DX for us is that there can be at least two or three likely possibilities on many frequencies and many of the stations join networks at night.

    2. Hi Very nice,I am going to Cornwall more regulary now to meet friends but don't really have the time to listen for fm down there.

  2. Hi Mara. That's such a shame you're not having much time to listen there. You're so lucky to live in the south-west of England though. Devon and Cornwall are beautiful and without doubt our favourite places of England. I'll include Dorset in there too. Stunning scenery and as for the DX ... well! What more could you want? :O)

    1. No i'm in cornwall tomorrow to meet a friend in cambourne get into camboure around 12pm will be talking and walking with my friend..loads of chatting then coming back around 6pm in the evening ..Even though she is into tv idents and tv incidental music as well as tvs she has shown an interest in fm..and i don't wont to use it as an excuse to play with the much as i would love to...dartmoor and bodmin moor stops most of the spanish sigs getting to this side of exeter..but i suppose if i was at the top of st thomas mast then i might actually recieve the spannish more reg...

    2. oops should say " not shown" for "shown"

  3. You never know - you might be able to convert her Mara!
