Band 2 Tropospheric:
105.3 0004 POL Radio ZET, Koszalin/Gologóra (ZP) YL news, as web 1085km **
107.1 0012 S RIX FM, Borås/Dalsjöfors-Häglared TM (vg) Jingle ID 948km **
88.5 0016 S SR P1, Borås/Dalsjöfors-Häglared TM (vg) OM and YL, as web 948km **
89.6 0017 S SR P1, Nässjö/Teracom mast Berg (jo) YL and OM, as 88.5 1031km
103.5 0023 DNK Radio 24syv, Årsballe/Aarsballe By 55 (sjl-bor) YL phone caller, as
100.3 971km
104.7 0025 D Deutschlandradio Kultur, Kiel/Fernsehturm (shs) OM, as web 656km
107.5 0027 DNK Skala FM, Tarm-Løndborg/Tiagervej 2 (mjy) Pops, jingle ID 607km
107.7 0031 DNK Radio Alfa, Allingåbro - Rygårde/Rygårdevej 2 (mjy) Back to back
pops, as web 749km **
107.8 0040 DNK Radio Odsherred, Radio Update, Gaybow Radio, 107FM, Kalundborg/
Lerchenfeldvej 59 (sjl) Unsure which station is using the tx at this
time. Back to back music all the time, as Broadwave web stream
751km **
107.1 0043 DNK myROCK, Sorring/Terpvej 37A (mjy) Hard rock song, as web 695km
106.8 0044 DNK Radio Silkeborg, Bryrup/Vellingvej 18 (mjy) Pops, as web 672km **
107.9 0100 POL PR 1, Koszalin/Gologóra (ZP) 3211 1085km
88.0 0110 S SR P1, Vislanda (Alvesta)/Nydala TM (kb) YL and child, as web 983km
90.4 0113 S SR P1, Varberg/Rolfstorp-Grimeton TM (ha) E201 SR______ 882km
90.5 0114 S SR P1, Kisa (Kinda)/TM (og) YL and child, as others 1095km **
92.5 0114 S SR P2, Kisa (Kinda)/TM (og) Classical, as web 1095km
107.9 0120 D delta radio, Lübeck Berkenthin (shs) Pops, as 105.6 690km
101.1 0130 D Radio NORA, Kaltenkirchen (shs) D3EA ____RA__ 647km
91.3 0734 D NDR 1 Welle Nord, Kronshagen (Kiel) (shs) D4E1 NDR_1_KI 653km
92.3 0740 D NDR Info, Hamburg-Moorfleet (ham) OM, as web 650km
92.5 0741 POL PR Radio Koszalin, Bialogard/Slawoborze (ZP) Polish YL and OM, as
web 1017km **
92.8 0742 D NDR 1 Radio MV, Schwerin (mev) D371 NDR_1_MV 739km
93.4 0744 D delta radio, Hamburg/Heinrich-Hertz-Turm (ham) Ads, as web 642km
93.6 0746 S SR P2, Varberg/Rolfstorp-Grimeton TM (ha) Brass band, as web 882km
93.8 0747 POL PR 2, Koszalin/Gologóra (ZP) 3222 1085km
94.5 0750 D N-JOY, Kronshagen (Kiel) (shs) D385 _N-JOY__ 653km
94.6 0752 S SR P2, Borås/Dalsjöfors-Häglared TM (vg) Classical, as web 948km
94.7 0802 D NDR Kultur, Röbel (mev) D383 NDR___lt 807km **
95.7 0804 D NDR Kultur, Kronshagen (Kiel) (shs) Piano music, as 94.7 653km
96.0 0807 D NDR Kultur, Helpterberg (mev) Piano music, as web 881km
96.4 0808 D NDR 2, Dannenberg/Zernien (nds) Piano music, as 96.3 Heide 705km
96.5 0809 D Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Helpterberg (mev) ID 881km **
96.6 0809 D NDR Info, Bungsberg/NDR-Mast (shs) OMs, as web 694km
97.0 0813 S SR P3, Hörby/Sallerup TM (sn) E203 913km
97.1 0814 D Deutschlandradio Kultur, Helpterberg (mev) D220 881km **
97.3 0822 S SR P4, Halmstad/Oskarström/Teracoms mast Fjällgime (ha) EA24 899km
97.4 0824 POL PR 3, Koszalin/Gologóra (ZP) 3233 _Polsk__ Changing PS 1085km
98.8 0825 S SR P3, Varberg/Rolfstorp-Grimeton TM (ha) Pops, as 99.0 882km
100.6 0829 D Radio ffn, Rosengarten-Langenrehm (nds) FFN Nachrichten fur Hamburg
ID 634km
101.3 0834 D Antenne MV, Schwerin (mev) D378 _ANT_MV_ Solid. 739km
101.4 0835 S SR P4, Hörby/Sallerup TM (sn) E424 SR_Kstad 913km
104.8 0846 D delta radio, Westerland (Sylt) (shs) YL, as 104.1 556km
105.0 0847 POL Radio ZET, Gdansk/Chwaszczyno (PM) OM ID 1195km
105.4 0848 D NDR 1 Niedersachsen, Cuxhaven/Holter Höhe (nds) Pops, as web 555km
106.1 0850 D Antenne Niedersachsen, Dannenberg/Zernien (nds) Antenne Niedersachsen
Aktuell 705km
106.3 0851 D Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Schwerin (mev) YLs, as 107.1 739km **
107.5 0854 POL PR 4, Lebork/Skórowo Nowe (PM) Polskie Radio ID, as web 1134km **
103.1 0901 POL PR Radio Koszalin, Koszalin/Gologóra (ZP) 346E Koszalin Changing PS
1085km **
101.5 0908 D R.SH, Lübeck Berkenthin (shs) Pink song, as web 690km **
101.7 0911 POL Radio Plus, Gdansk/Chwaszczyno (PM) Jingle ID and pops 1195km **
87.8 0919 NOR NRK P1, Hovdefjell (aa) OMs, as web 805km
87.7 0920 S SR P1, Halmstad/Oskarström/Teracoms mast Fjällgime (ha) OMs, as web
88.6 0922 D NDR Info, Hannover Hemmingen (nds) YLs, as web 640km **
88.9 0923 S SR P1, Skövde/Åsbotorp 2/Billingen TM (vg) E201 1023km
91.2 0930 S SR P2, Halmstad/Oskarström/Teracoms mast Fjällgime (ha) E402 899km
91.4 0934 DNK Nova, København-Gladsaxe/Isbanevej 4 (hvs) IDs and pops 836km
93.4 0939 S SR P2, Karlshamn/Mörrum-Gungvala TM (bl) Classical, as 93.6 987km **
93.0 0940 S SR P1, Emmaboda/Eriksmåla-Bälshult TM (ka) OM, as web 1051km
94.0 0943 S SR P2, Motala/Ervasteby TM (og) Classical, as 93.6 1098km
95.0 0943 S SR P2, Karlskrona/Vämö-Bryggareberget TM (bl) Classical, as web
1036km **
95.4 0944 S SR P3, Halmstad/Oskarström/Teracoms mast Fjällgime (ha) E203 SR_P3___
95.7 0945 POL PR 1, Gdansk/Chwaszczyno (PM) 3211 Po______ 1195km **
96.3 0950 S SR P2, Göteborg/Brudaremossen 100/Brudaremossen TM (vg) E402 SR_P2___
96.9 0951 S SR P3, Kisa (Kinda)/TM (og) YL and OM, as web 1095km
97.9 1006 S SR P3, Borås/Dalsjöfors-Häglared TM (vg) E203 948km **
98.2 1009 S SR P3, Motala/Ervasteby TM (og) Pops, as 99.0 1098km **
98.4 1015 POL RMF FM, Gdansk/Chwaszczyno (PM) Jingle ID 1195km **
101.8 1025 D NDR Info, Helpterberg (mev) D384 881km **
103.7 1028 POL PR Radio Gdansk, Gdansk/Chwaszczyno (PM) Ads and ID 1195km **
103.8 1034 D Antenne MV, Helpterberg (mev) D378 881km **
105.8 1042 D Ostseewelle, Helpterberg (mev) D379 _OSTSEE_ 881km **
101.6 1044 DNK Radio 24syv, Næstved - Øverup/Køgevej 291 (sjl) OM, as web 782km
87.8 1047 DNK Nova, Varde/Nordenskov/Kærgårdsvej 41B (sdk-sjy) 9205 __NOVA__ 607km
106.6 1106 D Antenne Brandenburg, Pritzwalk (brb) ID and pops 790km **
88.5 1113 D Radio Hamburg, Cuxhaven Otterndorf [nds] (ham) OM, as web 571km
104.0 1117 D MDR Figaro, Wittenberg/Gallunberg (san) OMs, as web 839km
104.8 1120 D Ostseewelle, Rostock-Toitenwinkel (mev) Jingle ID and pops 785km **
88.2 1138 D NDR Kultur, Rostock-Toitenwinkel (mev) OM interview, as web 785km
91.0 1142 D N-JOY, Flensburg-Engelsby (shs) Jingle ID. 600 watt filler tx 627km
92.3 1148 DNK DR P3, Ølgod/Baunshøjvej 7/Baunshøj (sdk-sjy) Jingle ID 608km
92.4 1158 S SR P2, Hörby/Sallerup TM (sn) Radio Romano IDs and web address, as web
92.5 1201 NOR NRK P2, Greipstad/Eidsåvegen (va) F202 ID on the hour 734km
94.2 1202 D N-JOY, Hamburg-Moorfleet (ham) Jingle ID after news 650km
94.3 1204 D NDR 1 Radio MV, Bad Doberan (mev) ID after news 761km **
96.2 1208 DNK DR P1, Årsballe/Aarsballe By 55 (sjl-bor) OMs, as web 971km **
103.7 1212 D N-JOY, Bad Doberan (mev) Jingle ID and pops 761km **
103.4 1213 D N-JOY, Grevesmühlen Hamberge (mev) Long jingle ID, as 103.7 725km **
104.2 1215 POL Radio ZET, Bialogard/Slawoborze (ZP) Jingle ID 1017km **
98.2 1218 POL PR 2, Bialogard/Slawoborze (ZP) Operaticals, as web 1017km **
98.7 1220 POL PR Radio Szczecin, Bialogard/Slawoborze (ZP) Slick Rick (obviously
making a comeback), mixing Freeez FM 1017km **
100.1 1222 NOR Radio Norge, Greipstad/Eidsåvegen (va) Comedy phone call, as web
100.7 1223 D NDR 1 Radio MV, Grevesmühlen Hamberge (mev) German pops, as web
725km **
104.0 1228 D Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Sassnitz (Rügen) (mev) YL and OM, as web
883km **
99.9 1251 POL PR 3, Gdansk/Chwaszczyno (PM) YL, as web 1195km **
89.4 1619 D MDR Figaro, Dequede (san) French song and German OM, as web 761km **
107.5 1642 D BB Radio, Berlin/Schäferberg (brb) OM and pops, as web 864km
107.2 1646 D Radio NORA, Niebüll Süderlügum (shs) Jingle ID and pops 593km
106.9 1647 D Antenne Niedersachsen, Braunschweig-Broitzem (nds) Niedesachsen Live
promo 691km
106.5 1649 D Klassik Radio, Flensburg/Wassersleben (shs) Classical, as web 622km
88.7 1703 D Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Hamburg-Moorfleet (ham) News, as web 650km **
88.8 1705 D WDR 5, Langenberg/Hordtberg (nrw) YL, as web 504km
93.3 1709 D NDR Kultur, Dannenberg/Zernien (nds) OM phone caller, as web 705km
93.5 1710 D NDR 2, Rostock-Toitenwinkel (mev) OM, as 107.0 785km **
94.0 1710 D N-JOY, Dannenberg/Zernien (nds) Pops, as web 705km
94.0 1800 D Radio Ostfriesland, Aurich-Haxtum (nds) 1085 OSTFRLND 475km
106.4 1825 D NDR 1 Welle Nord, Neumünster Armstedt (shs) D3E1 635km
106.2 1826 D Deutschlandradio Kultur, Schiffdorf [nds] (Bremerhaven) (bre) D220
105.0 1828 D Deutschlandradio Kultur, Güby (Schleswig) (shs) Classical, as web
104.7 1831 POL Radio Maryja, Lobez/Toporzyk (ZP) Religious stuff, as web 1042km **
93.4 1845 D Deutschlandradio Kultur, Emden (nds) Classical, as web 458km
95.5 1848 D N-JOY, Garz (Rügen) (mev) YL ID 865km **
98.9 1854 D NDR Info/RB 5, Schiffdorf [nds] (Bremerhaven) (bre) OM political
stuff, as web 554km **
99.5 1856 D Radio Nordseewelle, Aurich (nds) Pops and ID 478km
100.5 1900 DNK Radio 24syv, Sønder Højrup/Sdr. Højrupvejen 21 (sdk-fyn) Vocal ID.
71dB! 700km
106.1 1907 DNK Radio Ådalen Kolding, Egtved - Torsted mose/Mosevej 3 (sdk-sjy) OM
and country music. Good but noisy 637km
105.5 1908 DNK VLR, Fredericia/Kaltoftevej 7 (sdk-sjy) ID and pops 668km
105.2 1915 DNK Skala FM, Kolding/Vejlevej 134 (sdk-sjy) Modonna remix, as web 647km
105.0 1918 DNK VLR, Haarby/Jordløse Møllevej 27A (sdk-fyn) 9AFA VLR_FYN_ 679km
104.8 1920 S Bandit Rock, Göteborg/Brudaremossen 100/Brudaremossen TM (vg) Several
IDs 894km
104.7 1924 DNK VLR, Randbøl/Førstballevej 49/Møllebjerg (sdk-sjy) Pops, as web 645km
104.5 1927 DNK Radio Alfa, Århus Ø/Knebel-Bjødstrup/Byvænget 5 (mjy) Pops, as web
729km **
104.4 1931 DNK Radio Globus, Rødding-Sønder Hygum/Ribevej 61 (sdk-sjy) Pops, as web
104.4 1933 DNK Skala FM, Sønderborg West - Ragebøl/Løntoft 3-5 (sdk-sjy) Raspy
sounding club track, as web 645km **
104.2 1937 S Mix Megapol, Halmstad/Oskarström/Teracoms mast Fjällgime (ha) Jingle
ID 899km **
104.0 1941 DNK Radio Alfa, Rødekro/Knivsbjerg/St.Bovbjerg/Genner/Haderslevvej 494
(sdk-sjy) Jingle ID and pops 633km **
103.5 1947 DNK Skala FM, Vojens-Styding/Kestrupvej 4 (sdk-sjy) 2 In A Room, as web
631km **
102.6 1949 DNK Skala FM, Rødekro/Knivsbjerg/St.Bovbjerg/Genner/Haderslevvej 494
(sdk-sjy) DJ mix, as 103.5 633km **
102.0 1950 DNK VLR, Østbirk/Yding skovhøj/Yding Rode 4 (mjy) 9DFA __VLR___ HORSENS_
62 dB! 686km **
100.9 1959 DNK Radio 24syv, Vejle/Gl. Højen/Tårnvej 66 (sdk-sjy) Vocal ID 656km
100.0 2001 DNK Pop FM, København-Gladsaxe/Isbanevej 4 (hvs) 9206 _POP_FM_ 68 dB
836km **
99.0 2003 DNK DR P4, Varde/Nordenskov/Kærgårdsvej 41B (sdk-sjy) Pops, as web 607km
95.5 2008 DNK DR P1, Vejle/Gl. Højen/Tårnvej 66 (sdk-sjy) 9201 656km
93.5 2012 DNK Solo FM, Langå - Jebjerg/Hammelvej 138 A/Lysnet (mjy) Ads and jingle
ID 714km **
94.0 2015 DNK DR P4, Vejle/Gl. Højen/Tårnvej 66 (sdk-sjy) Light pops, as web 656km
88.8 2021 S SR P1, Hörby/Sallerup TM (sn) OMs, as web 913km
94.7 2027 S SR P3, Vislanda (Alvesta)/Nydala TM (kb) Alternative beats, as web
95.2 2028 D MDR Figaro, Sonneberg/Bleßberg (thü) Classical, as 95.3 793km
95.9 2029 DNK DR P4, Århus/Søsterhøj/Ny Moesgårdsvej 61 (mjy) 9E02 DRP4OSTJ 73 dB!
Strongest tropo tonight 715km
96.9 2031 POL Radio Maryja, Ilawa/Kisielice (WM) OMs talk, small crowd laughter,
as web 1250km **
97.6 2038 D Offener Kanal Westküste, Garding (shs) Alternative music, as web.
Good signal but very noisy 571km
99.7 2041 S SR P3, Emmaboda/Eriksmåla-Bälshult TM (ka) E203 1051km **
101.7 2043 D Deutschlandradio Kultur, Garding (shs) OMs, we web 571km
99.0 2156 S SR P3, Nässjö/Teracom mast Berg (jo) Pops, as 97.0 1031km
100.0 2157 D R.SH, Hamburg/Heinrich-Hertz-Turm (ham) Jingle ID R.SH Wetter 642km
102.7 2202 D Radio ffn, Dannenberg/Zernien (nds) Pops, as 102.6 705km **
104.3 2203 D BB Radio, Pritzwalk (brb) Die beste aktuell hitz ... BB Radio jingle.
Good but very noisy 790km **
106.3 2207 POL PR Radio Szczecin, Swinoujscie/Chrobrego (ZP) Jingle ID and pops
923km **
107.3 2223 S Mix Megapol, Göteborg/Lärje (vg) Slick Rick yet again, as web
895km **
107.3 2227 DNK Radio M, Videbæk/Hedevej 7 (mjy) Jingle ID and pops 633km
88.2 2233 D Radio Nordseewelle, Norden (nds) Jingle ID 459km **
105.7 2237 DNK Skala FM, Aarup/Mørkmoselundsvej 10/Ormehøj (sdk-fyn) Jingle ID
between pops 677km **
104.7 2248 DNK Radio Alfa, Mariager/Havndalvej 7/Hohøj (njy) Jingle ID and pops
89.5 2302 S SR P4 Malmöhus, Hörby/Sallerup TM (sn) EF24 _____alm 913km **
94.1 2306 D Radio NORA, Garding (shs) D3EA Jingle ID and pops 571km **
94.6 2308 D NDR 1 Radio MV, Anklam (mev) Jingle ID 886km **
95.6 2312 D N-JOY, Morsum (Sylt) (shs) Jingle ID and pops 565km
101.8 2319 S SR P4, Emmaboda/Eriksmåla-Bälshult TM (ka) E724 SR_P4___ 1051km
102.0 2326 S SR P4, Malmö/Jägersro TM (sn) Pops, as 101.8 866km **
102.8 2329 D R.SH, Westerland (Sylt) (shs) D3E8 556km **
104.4 2333 D NDR Kultur, Stadthagen/Bückeberge (nds) Opera, equalling BBC Norfolk
105.2 2334 D Offener Kanal Westküste, Heide (shs) Announcer reading frequencies,
etc., as web 589km **
** Personal 'First'
87.8 Radio Jade, Wilhelmshaven 1659 02-10-15
89.5 SR P4 Malmöhus, Horby 2300 02-10-15
91.4 Nova, Kobenhavn 0932 02-10-15
93.5 Solo FM, Langå - Jebjerg 2012 02-10-15
94.0 Radio Ostfriesland, Aurich-Haxtum 1759 02-10-15
94.3 NDR1, Bad Doberan 1204 02-10-15
94.6 NDR1, Anklam 2307 02-10-15
94.7 NDR Kultur, Robel 0753 02-10-15
97.9 SR P3, Boras 1006 02-10-15
98.4 RMF FM, Gdansk 1010 02-10-15
99.5 Radio Nordseewelle, Aurich 1855 02-10-15
100.0 Pop FM, København-Gladsaxe 2001 02-10-15
100.5 Radio 24syv, Sønder Højrup 1900 02-10-15
100.9 Radio 24syv, Vejle 1959 02-10-15
101.3 Antenna MV, Schwerin 0933 02-10-15
101.5 Radio SH, Lubeck Berkenthin 0907 02-10-15
101.7 Radio Plus, Gdansk 0910 02-10-15
101.8 SR P4 Kronoberg, Emmaboda 0019 02-10-15
102.0 VLR, Østbirk 2054 02-10-15
103.1 PR Radio Koszalin, Koszalin 0904 02-10-15
103.4 N-Joy, Grevesmühlen Hamberge 1211 02-10-15
103.7 PR Radio Gdansk, Gdansk 1027 02-10-15
103.8 Antenne MV, Helpterburg 1034 02-10-15
104.0 DLF, Sassnitz 1226 02-10-15
104.0 Radio Alfa, Rødekro 1941 02-10-15
104.2 Mix Megapol, Halmstad 1936 02-10-15
104.2 RadioZet, Bialogard 1213 02-10-15
104.3 BB Radio, Pritzwalk 2203 02-10-15
104.8 Ostseewelle, Rostock 1120 02-10-15
105.0 RadioZet, Gdansk 1035 02-10-15
105.0 VLR Fyn & Fredericia, Haarby 1916 02-10-15
106.3 PR Radio Szczecin, Swinoujscie 2207 02-10-15
106.3 PR Radio Szczecin, Swinoujscie 2359 02-10-15
106.6 Antenne Brandenburg, Pritzwalk 1105 02-10-15
106.8 Radio Silkeborg, Bryrup 0044 02-10-15
107.1 Rix FM, Boras 0006 02-10-15
107.2 Radio NORA, Niebüll Süderlügum 2210 02-10-15
107.3 Radio M, Videbæk 2226 02-01-15
107.5 PR4, Lebork 0853 02-10-15
107.9 Delta Radio, Lübeck Berkenthin 1813 02-10-15
107.9 PR1, Koszalin 0058 02-10-15
107.9 PR1, Koszalin 1108 02-10-15
This is one of the best tropos I can remember. Band 2 is solid with strong signals from the most distant, unlikely, rare or never-before-heard transmitters. It's openings like these which restore your faith in the hobby, should you have lost it. Those stations or countries you never thought you would ever hear are there and not just scraping their way through the noise, but are: Giving fully quieting stereo; Have full and instant RDS; Are just sat there like a local for hours on end. Furthest distance was 1250 km from Radio Maryja, Ilawa/Kisielice, on 96.9, toppling Viking FM!
One of the big surprises was the Koszalin transmitter from Poland. This peaked at 70dBf on the XDR-GTK software - minus 20dB for the pre-amp. Seven transmitters from Poland came through, two of which I have not heard of. I just love the openings where you receive transmitter sites you've never even heard of. There were plenty of them too.
Tuning from one end of the band to the other was mesmerising. One frequency after another of strong continental signals. Belmont, Tacolneston and Peterborough, my three closest transmitters, gave way to Danish, German, Swedish, Norwegian and Polish signals. Holland was also strongly received at times but I ignored that as there were far too many other and more distant stations to wade through. The band became noisy at times due to co-channel interference. It was mad. What country was I living in to receive all these signals like this? You wouldn't have easily guesses. The FM band was unrecognisable. OK, I've laid that on a bit thick, but just to stress that this was probably one of those 'once in a lifetime' DX experiences, the likes of which I hope will be received many more times! :)
I tried the OIRT band for Kaliningrad as the Gdansk area was received with good signals. It's just a hop, skip and a jump to Kaliningrad from there, but my XDR-F1HD was overloaded with German and Swedish stations appearing randomly between 66 and 74 MHz. I thought I heard a station from Belarus at one time, but I can probably put it down to overload. I couldn't get any of the necessary Belarusian web streams to work anyway. I would have tried the FDM-S2 but it doesn't work down in the OIRT range.
I recorded two separate IF snapshots of the band with my FDM-S2 (2 x 4 files). These were not recorded at the height of the conditions, though not far off. I was too busy DXing when conditions peaked.
You will need to use Monkey's Audio to decompress thee files: If you don't have an SDR, you can use HDSDR to tune: /
I will also add these to the SDR Filesharing group in due course. Uploading large files is difficult these days as my internet has gone back in time 20 years. We don't have 24 hour internet here anymore. The speed is roughly one third of what it should be at best and less than 1 MB at night (I live near the exchange too!) and the connection drops at night. Time to contact Ofcom again.
Good DX!
John Faulkner
Skegness, Lincolnshire (JO03dd) <3m ASL.
YouTube Channel:
Vimeo Channel:
Elad FDM-S2 (Meteor Scatter and sporadic E)
Sony XDR-F1HD with Konrad i2c mod. (Tropo/Scatter)
Körner 9.2 @ 5.5 metres agl. QTH is approximately 3 metres asl, 1km from the sea.
Fringe Electronics 20dB pre-amp.
Elad FDM-SW2, SDR Console File Analyser & RDS Spy via VAC.
XDR-GTK v0.3.1 for the Sony XDR-F1HD
Yaesu G-5500 azimuth & elevation rotator, allowing antenna to be vertical, horizontal, etc.
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